This is the complete list of members for BoldFace, including all inherited members.
addLazyLoadChar(wchar_t c) | FontWithFace | inlineprivate |
BoldFace() | BoldFace | |
createNewGlyphPage() | FontWithFace | private |
disableTextShaping() const (defined in FontWithFace) | FontWithFace | inlinevirtual |
drawText(const core::stringw &text, const core::rect< s32 > &position, const video::SColor &color, bool hcenter, bool vcenter, const core::rect< s32 > *clip, FontSettings *font_settings, FontCharCollector *char_collector=NULL) (defined in FontWithFace) | FontWithFace | virtual |
drawTextQuick(const core::stringw &text, const core::rect< s32 > &position, const video::SColor &color, bool hcenter, bool vcenter, const core::rect< s32 > *clip, FontSettings *font_settings, FontCharCollector *char_collector=NULL) (defined in FontWithFace) | FontWithFace | |
dumpGlyphPage(const std::string &name) | FontWithFace | |
dumpGlyphPage() | FontWithFace | |
FontWithFace(const std::string &name) | FontWithFace | |
getAreaFromCharacter(const wchar_t c, bool *fallback_font) const | FontWithFace | |
getCharacterFromPos(const wchar_t *text, int pixel_x, FontSettings *font_settings=NULL) const | FontWithFace | |
getCharWidth(const FontArea &area, bool fallback, float scale) const | FontWithFace | private |
getDimension(const core::stringw &text, FontSettings *font_settings=NULL) | FontWithFace | virtual |
getDPI() const | FontWithFace | inline |
getFaceTTF() const (defined in FontWithFace) | FontWithFace | inline |
getFontMaxHeight() const (defined in FontWithFace) | FontWithFace | inline |
getGlyphInfo(wchar_t c) const | FontWithFace | inlineprivate |
getGlyphMaxHeight() const (defined in FontWithFace) | FontWithFace | inline |
getGlyphPageSize() const OVERRIDE | BoldFace | inlineprivatevirtual |
getInverseShaping() const (defined in FontWithFace) | FontWithFace | inline |
getScalingFactorOne() const OVERRIDE | BoldFace | inlineprivatevirtual |
getScalingFactorTwo() const OVERRIDE | BoldFace | inlineprivatevirtual |
getSpriteBank() const | FontWithFace | inline |
getUnknownFontArea() const (defined in FontWithFace) | FontWithFace | private |
init() OVERRIDE | BoldFace | virtual |
insertCharacters(const wchar_t *in_ptr, bool first_load=false) | FontWithFace | inlineprotected |
insertGlyph(unsigned font_number, unsigned glyph_index) | FontWithFace | |
isBold() const OVERRIDE | BoldFace | inlineprivatevirtual |
loadedChar(wchar_t c) const | FontWithFace | inlineprivate |
loadGlyphInfo(wchar_t c) | FontWithFace | private |
m_character_glyph_info_map | FontWithFace | private |
m_current_height | FontWithFace | private |
m_face_dpi | FontWithFace | private |
m_face_ttf | FontWithFace | private |
m_fallback_font | FontWithFace | private |
m_fallback_font_scale | FontWithFace | private |
m_font_max_height | FontWithFace | protected |
m_glyph_max_height | FontWithFace | protected |
m_inverse_shaping | FontWithFace | private |
m_new_char_holder | FontWithFace | private |
m_spritebank | FontWithFace | private |
m_used_height | FontWithFace | private |
m_used_width | FontWithFace | private |
NoCopy() (defined in NoCopy) | NoCopy | inline |
NoCopy(const NoCopy &) (defined in NoCopy) | NoCopy | inlineprivate |
operator=(const NoCopy &) (defined in NoCopy) | NoCopy | inlineprivate |
render(const std::vector< gui::GlyphLayout > &gl, const core::rect< s32 > &position, const video::SColor &color, bool hcenter, bool vcenter, const core::rect< s32 > *clip, FontSettings *font_settings, FontCharCollector *char_collector=NULL) | FontWithFace | |
reset() OVERRIDE | BoldFace | virtual |
setDPI() | FontWithFace | |
setFallbackFont(FontWithFace *face) | FontWithFace | inlineprotected |
setFallbackFontScale(float scale) | FontWithFace | inlineprotected |
shapeOutline(FT_Outline *outline) const OVERRIDE | BoldFace | privatevirtual |
supportChar(wchar_t c) | FontWithFace | inlineprivate |
supportLazyLoadChar() const | FontWithFace | inlineprivatevirtual |
text2GlyphsWithoutShaping(const core::stringw &t) | FontWithFace | private |
updateCharactersList() | FontWithFace | protected |
useColorGlyphPage() const (defined in FontWithFace) | FontWithFace | inlinevirtual |
~FontWithFace() | FontWithFace | virtual |