This is the complete list of members for Physics, including all inherited members.
addBody(btRigidBody *b) (defined in Physics) | Physics | inline |
addKart(const AbstractKart *k) | Physics | |
create() (defined in Physics) | Physics | static |
destroy() (defined in Physics) | Physics | static |
draw() | Physics | |
get() (defined in Physics) | Physics | static |
getDebugDrawer() (defined in Physics) | Physics | inline |
getPhysicsWorld() const (defined in Physics) | Physics | inline |
init(const Vec3 &min_world, const Vec3 &max_world) | Physics | |
isDebug() const | Physics | inline |
KartKartCollision(AbstractKart *ka, const Vec3 &contact_point_a, AbstractKart *kb, const Vec3 &contact_point_b) | Physics | |
m_all_collisions (defined in Physics) | Physics | private |
m_axis_sweep (defined in Physics) | Physics | private |
m_collision_conf (defined in Physics) | Physics | private |
m_debug_drawer | Physics | private |
m_dispatcher (defined in Physics) | Physics | private |
m_dynamics_world | Physics | private |
m_karts_to_delete | Physics | private |
m_physics_loop_active | Physics | private |
nextDebugMode() | Physics | inline |
Physics() | Physics | private |
removeBody(btRigidBody *b) (defined in Physics) | Physics | inline |
removeKart(const AbstractKart *k) | Physics | |
setDebugMode(IrrDebugDrawer::DebugModeType mode) (defined in Physics) | Physics | inline |
solveGroup(btCollisionObject **bodies, int numBodies, btPersistentManifold **manifold, int numManifolds, btTypedConstraint **constraints, int numConstraints, const btContactSolverInfo &info, btIDebugDraw *debugDrawer, btStackAlloc *stackAlloc, btDispatcher *dispatcher) | Physics | virtual |
update(int ticks) | Physics | |
~Physics() (defined in Physics) | Physics | privatevirtual |