This is the complete list of members for Cake, including all inherited members.
addForRewind(const std::string &uid) (defined in Flyable) | Flyable | |
Cake(AbstractKart *kart) (defined in Cake) | Cake | |
checkSmoothing() (defined in Moveable) | Moveable | inline |
SmoothNetworkBody::checkSmoothing(const btTransform ¤t_transform, const Vec3 ¤t_velocity) | SmoothNetworkBody | |
computeError() OVERRIDE | Flyable | virtual |
createBody(float mass, btTransform &trans, btCollisionShape *shape, float restitution) | Moveable | |
createPhysics(float y_offset, const Vec3 &velocity, btCollisionShape *shape, float restitution, const btVector3 &gravity=btVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), const bool rotates=false, const bool turn_around=false, const btTransform *customDirection=NULL) | Flyable | protected |
explode(AbstractKart *kart, PhysicalObject *obj=NULL, bool secondary_hits=true) | Flyable | |
fixSFXSplitscreen(SFXBase *sfx) (defined in Flyable) | Flyable | protected |
Flyable(AbstractKart *kart, PowerupManager::PowerupType type, float mass=1.0f) (defined in Flyable) | Flyable | |
flyDown() (defined in Moveable) | Moveable | virtual |
flyUp() | Moveable | virtual |
getBody() const (defined in Moveable) | Moveable | inline |
getClosestKart(const AbstractKart **minKart, float *minDistSquared, Vec3 *minDelta, const AbstractKart *inFrontOf=NULL, const bool backwards=false) const | Flyable | protected |
getExtend() const | Flyable | inline |
getHeading() const | Moveable | inline |
getHitEffect() const | Flyable | virtual |
getHitPoint() const | TerrainInfo | inline |
getHoT() const | TerrainInfo | inline |
getIdent() const (defined in Moveable) | Moveable | inlinevirtual |
getLastMaterial() const | TerrainInfo | inline |
getLinearKartItemIntersection(const Vec3 &origin, const AbstractKart *target_kart, float item_XY_velocity, float gravity, float forw_offset, float *fire_angle, float *up_velocity) | Flyable | protected |
getLocalStateRestoreFunction() (defined in Rewinder) | Rewinder | inlinevirtual |
getMaterial() const | TerrainInfo | inline |
getNode() const | Moveable | inline |
getNormal() const | TerrainInfo | inline |
getOrigin() const (defined in TerrainInfo) | TerrainInfo | inline |
getOwner() const | Flyable | inline |
getOwnerId() (defined in Flyable) | Flyable | |
getPitch() const | Moveable | inline |
getRoll() const | Moveable | inline |
getRotation() const (defined in Moveable) | Moveable | inline |
getShared() (defined in Rewinder) | Rewinder | inline |
getSmoothedTrans() const (defined in Moveable) | Moveable | inline |
getSmoothedXYZ() const (defined in Moveable) | Moveable | inline |
getSurfaceInfo(const Vec3 &from, Vec3 *position, const Material **m) | TerrainInfo | |
getTerrainPitch(float heading) const | TerrainInfo | |
getTrans() const (defined in Moveable) | Moveable | inline |
getType() const | Flyable | inline |
getUniqueIdentity() const (defined in Rewinder) | Rewinder | inline |
getVelocity() const OVERRIDE | Cake | inlinevirtual |
getVelocityLC() const (defined in Moveable) | Moveable | inline |
getXYZ() const (defined in Moveable) | Moveable | inline |
hasAnimation() const | Flyable | inline |
hasHit() | Flyable | inline |
hasServerState() const (defined in Flyable) | Flyable | inline |
hit(AbstractKart *kart, PhysicalObject *obj=NULL) OVERRIDE | Cake | virtual |
hitTrack() OVERRIDE | Cake | inlinevirtual |
init(const XMLNode &node, scene::IMesh *cake_model) | Cake | static |
Flyable::init(const XMLNode &node, scene::IMesh *model, PowerupManager::PowerupType type) | Flyable | static |
isEnabled() const (defined in SmoothNetworkBody) | SmoothNetworkBody | inline |
isOwnerImmunity(const AbstractKart *kart_hit) const | Flyable | |
m_adjust_control_point (defined in SmoothNetworkBody) | SmoothNetworkBody | private |
m_adjust_length_threshold (defined in SmoothNetworkBody) | SmoothNetworkBody | private |
m_adjust_position (defined in SmoothNetworkBody) | SmoothNetworkBody | private |
m_adjust_time (defined in SmoothNetworkBody) | SmoothNetworkBody | private |
m_adjust_time_dt (defined in SmoothNetworkBody) | SmoothNetworkBody | private |
m_adjust_up_velocity | Flyable | private |
m_adjust_vertical_offset (defined in SmoothNetworkBody) | SmoothNetworkBody | private |
m_animation | Flyable | private |
m_average_height | Flyable | protected |
m_body (defined in Moveable) | Moveable | protected |
m_compressed_gravity_vector (defined in Flyable) | Flyable | private |
m_created_ticks (defined in Flyable) | Flyable | protected |
m_deleted_once (defined in Flyable) | Flyable | protected |
m_do_terrain_info | Flyable | private |
m_enabled (defined in SmoothNetworkBody) | SmoothNetworkBody | private |
m_extend | Flyable | protected |
m_force_updown | Flyable | protected |
m_gravity (defined in Cake) | Cake | privatestatic |
m_has_hit_something (defined in Flyable) | Flyable | private |
m_has_server_state (defined in Flyable) | Flyable | protected |
m_heading | Moveable | private |
m_hit_point | TerrainInfo | private |
m_initial_velocity (defined in Cake) | Cake | private |
m_last_deleted_ticks (defined in Flyable) | Flyable | protected |
m_last_material | TerrainInfo | private |
m_mass | Flyable | protected |
m_material | TerrainInfo | private |
m_max_adjust_length (defined in SmoothNetworkBody) | SmoothNetworkBody | private |
m_max_adjust_time (defined in SmoothNetworkBody) | SmoothNetworkBody | private |
m_max_height | Flyable | protected |
m_max_lifespan | Flyable | protected |
m_min_adjust_length (defined in SmoothNetworkBody) | SmoothNetworkBody | private |
m_min_adjust_speed (defined in SmoothNetworkBody) | SmoothNetworkBody | private |
m_min_height | Flyable | protected |
m_motion_state (defined in Moveable) | Moveable | protected |
m_node (defined in Moveable) | Moveable | protected |
m_normal | TerrainInfo | private |
m_origin_ray | TerrainInfo | private |
m_owner | Flyable | protected |
m_owner_has_temporary_immunity | Flyable | protected |
m_pitch | Moveable | private |
m_position_offset | Flyable | private |
m_prev_position_data (defined in SmoothNetworkBody) | SmoothNetworkBody | private |
m_roll | Moveable | private |
m_shape | Flyable | protected |
m_smooth_rotation (defined in SmoothNetworkBody) | SmoothNetworkBody | private |
m_smoothed_transform (defined in SmoothNetworkBody) | SmoothNetworkBody | private |
m_smoothing (defined in SmoothNetworkBody) | SmoothNetworkBody | private |
m_speed | Flyable | protected |
m_st_extend | Flyable | protectedstatic |
m_st_force_updown | Flyable | protectedstatic |
m_st_max_distance_squared | Cake | privatestatic |
m_st_max_height | Flyable | protectedstatic |
m_st_min_height | Flyable | protectedstatic |
m_st_model | Flyable | protectedstatic |
m_st_speed | Flyable | protectedstatic |
m_start_smoothing_postion | SmoothNetworkBody | private |
m_target | Cake | private |
m_ticks_since_thrown | Flyable | protected |
m_transform | Moveable | protected |
m_type | Flyable | protected |
m_unique_identity | Rewinder | private |
m_user_pointer (defined in Moveable) | Moveable | protected |
m_velocityLC | Moveable | private |
Moveable() (defined in Moveable) | Moveable | |
moveToInfinity(bool set_moveable_trans=true) | Flyable | protected |
NoCopy() (defined in NoCopy) | NoCopy | inline |
NoCopy(const NoCopy &) (defined in NoCopy) | NoCopy | inlineprivate |
onDeleteFlyable() (defined in Flyable) | Flyable | virtual |
onFireFlyable() OVERRIDE | Cake | virtual |
operator=(const NoCopy &) (defined in NoCopy) | NoCopy | inlineprivate |
prepareSmoothing() (defined in Moveable) | Moveable | inline |
prepareSmoothing(const btTransform ¤t_transform, const Vec3 ¤t_velocity) (defined in SmoothNetworkBody) | SmoothNetworkBody | |
removePhysics() (defined in Flyable) | Flyable | protected |
reset() OVERRIDE | Flyable | inlinevirtual |
restoreState(BareNetworkString *buffer, int count) OVERRIDE | Flyable | virtual |
Rewinder(const std::string &ui="") (defined in Rewinder) | Rewinder | inline |
rewinderAdd() | Rewinder | |
rewindToEvent(BareNetworkString *buffer) OVERRIDE | Flyable | inlinevirtual |
saveState(std::vector< std::string > *ru) OVERRIDE | Flyable | virtual |
saveTransform() OVERRIDE | Flyable | virtual |
setAdjustLengthThreshold(float val) (defined in SmoothNetworkBody) | SmoothNetworkBody | inline |
setAdjustUpVelocity(bool f) | Flyable | inline |
setAdjustVerticalOffset(bool val) (defined in SmoothNetworkBody) | SmoothNetworkBody | inline |
setAnimation(AbstractKartAnimation *animation) (defined in Flyable) | Flyable | virtual |
setCreatedTicks(int ticks) (defined in Flyable) | Flyable | inline |
setDoTerrainInfo(bool d) | Flyable | inline |
setEnable(bool val) (defined in SmoothNetworkBody) | SmoothNetworkBody | inline |
setHasHit() | Flyable | inline |
setMaxAdjustLength(float val) (defined in SmoothNetworkBody) | SmoothNetworkBody | inline |
setMaxAdjustTime(float val) (defined in SmoothNetworkBody) | SmoothNetworkBody | inline |
setMinAdjustLength(float val) (defined in SmoothNetworkBody) | SmoothNetworkBody | inline |
setMinAdjustSpeed(float val) (defined in SmoothNetworkBody) | SmoothNetworkBody | inline |
setNode(scene::ISceneNode *n) | Moveable | |
setPositionOffset(const Vec3 &o) | Flyable | inline |
setRotation(const btMatrix3x3 &m) | Moveable | inline |
setRotation(const btQuaternion &q) | Moveable | inline |
setSmoothedTransform(const btTransform &t) (defined in SmoothNetworkBody) | SmoothNetworkBody | inline |
setSmoothRotation(bool val) (defined in SmoothNetworkBody) | SmoothNetworkBody | inline |
setTrans(const btTransform &t) | Moveable | |
setUniqueIdentity(const std::string &uid) (defined in Rewinder) | Rewinder | inlineprotected |
setVelocity(const btVector3 &v) OVERRIDE | Cake | inlinevirtual |
setXYZ(const Vec3 &a) | Moveable | inlinevirtual |
SmoothingState enum name (defined in SmoothNetworkBody) | SmoothNetworkBody | private |
SmoothNetworkBody(bool enable=false) (defined in SmoothNetworkBody) | SmoothNetworkBody | |
SS_NONE enum value (defined in SmoothNetworkBody) | SmoothNetworkBody | private |
SS_TO_ADJUST enum value (defined in SmoothNetworkBody) | SmoothNetworkBody | private |
SS_TO_REAL enum value (defined in SmoothNetworkBody) | SmoothNetworkBody | private |
stopFlying() (defined in Moveable) | Moveable | virtual |
TerrainInfo() | TerrainInfo | |
TerrainInfo(const Vec3 &pos) | TerrainInfo | |
undoEvent(BareNetworkString *buffer) OVERRIDE | Flyable | inlinevirtual |
undoState(BareNetworkString *buffer) OVERRIDE | Flyable | inlinevirtual |
Moveable::update(int ticks) | Moveable | virtual |
TerrainInfo::update(const btMatrix3x3 &rotation, const Vec3 &from) | TerrainInfo | virtual |
TerrainInfo::update(const Vec3 &from) | TerrainInfo | virtual |
TerrainInfo::update(const Vec3 &from, const Vec3 &towards) | TerrainInfo | virtual |
TerrainInfo::update(const btMatrix3x3 &rotation) | TerrainInfo | inlinevirtual |
updateAndDelete(int ticks) | Flyable | virtual |
updateGraphics(float dt) OVERRIDE | Flyable | virtual |
Moveable::updateGraphics(const Vec3 &off_xyz=Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), const btQuaternion &off_rotation=btQuaternion(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)) | Moveable | protectedvirtual |
updatePosition() | Moveable | |
updateSmoothedGraphics(float dt) (defined in Moveable) | Moveable | protected |
updateSmoothedGraphics(const btTransform ¤t_transform, const Vec3 ¤t_velocity, float dt) (defined in SmoothNetworkBody) | SmoothNetworkBody | |
~Flyable() (defined in Flyable) | Flyable | virtual |
~Moveable() (defined in Moveable) | Moveable | virtual |
~Rewinder() (defined in Rewinder) | Rewinder | inlinevirtual |
~SmoothNetworkBody() (defined in SmoothNetworkBody) | SmoothNetworkBody | inlinevirtual |
~TerrainInfo() (defined in TerrainInfo) | TerrainInfo | inlinevirtual |