No Matches
2// SuperTuxKart - a fun racing game with go-kart
3// Copyright (C) 2004-2015 SuperTuxKart-Team
5// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
7// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
8// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13// GNU General Public License for more details.
15// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
28#include <cstring>
29#include <limits>
30#include <map>
31#include <memory>
32#include <vector>
33#include <stdexcept>
35#include "graphics/weather.hpp"
36#include "modes/world_status.hpp"
37#include "race/highscores.hpp"
38#include "states_screens/race_gui_base.hpp"
39#include "states_screens/state_manager.hpp"
40#include "utils/random_generator.hpp"
41#include "utils/stk_process.hpp"
43#include "LinearMath/btTransform.h"
45class AbstractKart;
47class btRigidBody;
48class Controller;
49class ItemState;
50class PhysicalObject;
51class STKPeer;
53namespace Scripting
55 class ScriptEngine;
58namespace irr
60 namespace scene { class ISceneNode; }
63class AbortWorldUpdateException : public std::runtime_error
66 AbortWorldUpdateException() : std::runtime_error("race abort") { };
87class World : public WorldStatus
90 typedef std::vector<std::shared_ptr<AbstractKart> > KartList;
93 static World *m_world[PT_COUNT];
94 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
95 void setAITeam();
96 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
97 std::shared_ptr<AbstractKart> createKartWithTeam
98 (const std::string &kart_ident, int index, int local_player_id,
99 int global_player_id, RaceManager::KartType type,
100 HandicapLevel handicap);
104#ifdef DEBUG
105 unsigned int m_magic_number;
108 /* Team related variables. */
109 int m_red_ai;
110 int m_blue_ai;
111 std::map<int, KartTeam> m_kart_team_map;
112 std::map<int, unsigned int> m_kart_position_map;
115 KartList m_karts;
116 RandomGenerator m_random;
118 AbstractKart* m_fastest_kart;
126 bool m_faster_music_active; // true if faster music was activated
128 bool m_stop_music_when_dialog_open;
130 bool m_unfair_team;
137 void updateHighscores (int* best_highscore_rank);
138 void resetAllKarts ();
142 virtual std::shared_ptr<AbstractKart> createKart
143 (const std::string &kart_ident, int index, int local_player_id,
144 int global_player_id, RaceManager::KartType type,
145 HandicapLevel handicap);
171 bool m_schedule_exit_race;
173 bool m_schedule_tutorial;
175 Phase m_scheduled_pause_phase;
185 bool m_ended_early;
187 virtual void onGo() OVERRIDE;
189 virtual bool isRaceOver() = 0;
190 virtual void update(int ticks) OVERRIDE;
191 virtual void createRaceGUI();
192 void updateTrack(int ticks);
193 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
202 {return getTime(); }
203 void updateAchievementDataEndRace();
204 void updateAchievementModeCounters(bool start);
207 World();
208 virtual ~World();
209 // Static functions to access world:
210 // =================================
211 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
213 static World* getWorld()
214 {
215 ProcessType type = STKProcess::getType();
216 return m_world[type];
217 }
218 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
222 static void deleteWorld()
223 {
224 ProcessType type = STKProcess::getType();
225 delete m_world[type];
226 m_world[type] = NULL;
227 }
228 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
231 static void setWorld(World *world)
232 {
233 ProcessType type = STKProcess::getType();
234 m_world[type] = world;
235 }
236 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
237 static void clear() { memset(m_world, 0, sizeof(m_world)); }
238 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
240 // Pure virtual functions
241 // ======================
245 virtual const std::string& getIdent() const = 0;
246 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
249 virtual unsigned int getNumberOfRescuePositions() const;
250 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
252 virtual unsigned int getRescuePositionIndex(AbstractKart *kart) = 0;
253 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
255 virtual btTransform getRescueTransform(unsigned int index) const;
256 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
257 virtual void moveKartAfterRescue(AbstractKart* kart);
258 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
261 virtual bool raceHasLaps() = 0;
262 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
264 virtual bool showLapsTarget() { return false; }
265 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
268 virtual int getFinishedLapsOfKart(unsigned int kart_index) const
269 {
270 assert(false); return -1; // remove compiler warning
271 } // getFinishedLapsOfKart
272 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
276 std::vector<RaceGUIBase::KartIconDisplayInfo> *info)= 0;
277 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
279 // Virtual functions
280 // =================
281 virtual void init();
282 virtual void updateGraphics(float dt);
283 virtual void terminateRace() OVERRIDE;
284 virtual void reset(bool restart=false) OVERRIDE;
285 virtual void pause(Phase phase) OVERRIDE;
286 virtual void unpause() OVERRIDE;
287 virtual void getDefaultCollectibles(int *collectible_type,
288 int *amount );
289 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
291 virtual void collectedItem(const AbstractKart *kart,
292 const ItemState *item ) {}
293 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
294 virtual void endRaceEarly() { return; }
295 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
296 virtual bool hasRaceEndedEarly() const { return m_ended_early; }
297 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
299 virtual bool haveBonusBoxes() { return true; }
300 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
302 virtual bool useFastMusicNearEnd() const { return true; }
303 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
306 virtual void kartAdded(AbstractKart* kart, scene::ISceneNode* node) {}
307 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
311 virtual void newLap(unsigned int kart_index) {}
312 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
314 virtual bool kartHit(int kart_id, int hitter = -1) { return false; }
315 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
316 virtual void onMouseClick(int x, int y) {};
318 // Other functions
319 // ===============
320 Highscores *getHighscores() const;
321 Highscores *getGPHighscores() const;
322 void schedulePause(Phase phase);
323 void scheduleUnpause();
324 void scheduleExitRace() { m_schedule_exit_race = true; }
325 void scheduleTutorial();
326 void updateWorld(int ticks);
327 void handleExplosion(const Vec3 &xyz, AbstractKart *kart_hit,
328 PhysicalObject *object);
329 AbstractKart* getPlayerKart(unsigned int player) const;
330 AbstractKart* getLocalPlayerKart(unsigned int n) const;
331 virtual const btTransform &getStartTransform(int index);
332 void moveKartTo(AbstractKart* kart, const btTransform &t);
333 void updateTimeTargetSound();
334 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
337 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
339 unsigned int getNumKarts() const { return (unsigned int) m_karts.size(); }
340 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
342 AbstractKart *getKart(int kartId) const {
343 assert(kartId >= 0 && kartId < int(m_karts.size()));
344 return m_karts[kartId].get(); }
345 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
347 const KartList & getKarts() const { return m_karts; }
348 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
350 unsigned int getCurrentNumKarts() const { return (int)m_karts.size() -
352 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
354 unsigned int getCurrentNumPlayers() const { return m_num_players -
356 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
357 void resetElimination()
358 {
361 }
362 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
363 virtual void addReservedKart(int kart_id)
364 {
365 if (m_eliminated_karts > 0)
367 }
368 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
369 virtual void saveCompleteState(BareNetworkString* bns, STKPeer* peer) {}
370 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
371 virtual void restoreCompleteState(const BareNetworkString& buffer) {}
372 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
375 virtual bool shouldDrawTimer() const
376 { return isActiveRacePhase() && getClockMode() != CLOCK_NONE; }
377 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
379 bool useHighScores() const { return m_use_highscores; }
380 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
382 virtual void onFirePressed(Controller* who) {}
383 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
386 virtual bool useChecklineRequirements() const { return false; }
387 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
388 virtual void escapePressed();
389 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
390 virtual void loadCustomModels() {}
391 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
392 void eliminateKart(int kart_number, bool notify_of_elimination = true);
393 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
394 void setUnfairTeam(bool val) { m_unfair_team = val; }
395 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
396 virtual bool hasTeam() const { return false; }
397 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
399 KartTeam getKartTeam(unsigned int kart_id) const;
400 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
401 int getTeamNum(KartTeam team) const;
402 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
404 void setNetworkWorld(bool is_networked) { m_is_network_world = is_networked; }
405 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
406 bool isNetworkWorld() const { return m_is_network_world; }
407 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
410 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
414 virtual std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> getGameStartedProgress() const
415 {
416 return std::make_pair(std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max(),
417 std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
418 }
419 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
420 virtual bool isGoalPhase() const { return false; }
421}; // World
425/* EOF */
Definition: world.hpp:64
An abstract interface for the actual karts.
Definition: abstract_kart.hpp:62
Describes a chain of 8-bit unsigned integers.
Definition: network_string.hpp:53
This is the base class for kart controller - that can be a player or a a robot.
Definition: controller.hpp:46
Represents one highscore entry, i.e.
Definition: highscores.hpp:41
Contains the state information of an item, i.e.
Definition: item.hpp:53
Definition: physical_object.hpp:40
An abstract base class for the two race guis (race_gui and race_result gui)
Definition: race_gui_base.hpp:50
Different kart types: A local player, a player connected via network, an AI kart, the leader kart (cu...
Definition: race_manager.hpp:242
A random number generator.
Definition: random_generator.hpp:34
Represents a peer. This class is used to interface the ENetPeer structure.
Definition: stk_peer.hpp:76
A wrapper around bullets btVector3 to include conventient conversion functions (e....
Definition: vec3.hpp:35
A class that manages the clock (countdown, chrono, etc.) Also manages stuff like the 'ready/set/go' t...
Definition: world_status.hpp:33
float getTime() const
Returns the current race time.
Definition: world_status.hpp:204
int getClockMode() const
Returns the current clock mode.
Definition: world_status.hpp:200
base class for all game modes This class is responsible for running the actual race.
Definition: world.hpp:88
Controller * loadAIController(AbstractKart *kart)
Creates an AI controller for the kart.
Definition: world.cpp:570
virtual void init()
This function is called after instanciating.
Definition: world.cpp:160
bool m_schedule_pause
Pausing/unpausing are not done immediately, but at next udpdate.
Definition: world.hpp:162
virtual void kartAdded(AbstractKart *kart, scene::ISceneNode *node)
If you want to do something to karts or their graphics at the start of the race, override this.
Definition: world.hpp:306
static void setWorld(World *world)
Sets the pointer to the world object.
Definition: world.hpp:231
bool m_schedule_unpause
Pausing/unpausing are not done immediately, but at next udpdate.
Definition: world.hpp:169
virtual void terminateRace() OVERRIDE
Called at the end of a race.
Definition: world.cpp:728
virtual std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t > getGameStartedProgress() const
Used by server to get the current started game progress in either or both remaining time or progress ...
Definition: world.hpp:414
void eliminateKart(int kart_number, bool notify_of_elimination=true)
Remove (eliminate) a kart from the race.
Definition: world.cpp:1414
virtual bool showLapsTarget()
If true lap counter shows lap count in format: 4/20 or if false then in format: 4.
Definition: world.hpp:264
int m_num_players
OVerall number of players.
Definition: world.hpp:124
void updateWorld(int ticks)
This is the main interface to update the world.
Definition: world.cpp:1003
unsigned int getCurrentNumKarts() const
Returns the number of currently active (i.e.non-elikminated) karts.
Definition: world.hpp:350
int m_eliminated_players
Number of eliminated players.
Definition: world.hpp:122
bool m_self_destruct
Set when the world needs to be deleted but you can't do it immediately because you are e....
Definition: world.hpp:180
static World * m_world[PT_COUNT]
A pointer to the global world object for a race.
Definition: world.hpp:93
virtual bool useFastMusicNearEnd() const
Returns if this mode should use fast music (if available).
Definition: world.hpp:302
virtual bool raceHasLaps()=0
Called when it is needed to know whether this kind of race involves counting laps.
virtual void getDefaultCollectibles(int *collectible_type, int *amount)
Called to determine the default collectibles to give each player at the start for this kind of race.
Definition: world.cpp:1471
KartList m_karts
The list of all karts.
Definition: world.hpp:115
virtual void onFirePressed(Controller *who)
Override if you want to know when a kart presses fire.
Definition: world.hpp:382
virtual int getFinishedLapsOfKart(unsigned int kart_index) const
Returns the number of laps for a given kart.
Definition: world.hpp:268
virtual std::shared_ptr< AbstractKart > createKart(const std::string &kart_ident, int index, int local_player_id, int global_player_id, RaceManager::KartType type, HandicapLevel handicap)
Creates a kart, having a certain position, starting location, and local and global player id (if appl...
Definition: world.cpp:460
bool m_is_network_world
Set when the world is online and counts network players.
Definition: world.hpp:183
RaceGUIBase * m_saved_race_gui
The actual race gui needs to be saved when the race result gui is displayed since it is still needed ...
Definition: world.hpp:155
virtual void pause(Phase phase) OVERRIDE
Pauses the music (and then pauses WorldStatus).
Definition: world.cpp:1480
virtual void onGo() OVERRIDE
Called when 'go' is being displayed for the first time.
Definition: world.cpp:695
virtual bool isRaceOver()=0
Returns true if the race is over.
virtual bool kartHit(int kart_id, int hitter=-1)
Called when a kart was hit by a projectile.
Definition: world.hpp:314
void setNetworkWorld(bool is_networked)
Set the network mode (true if networked)
Definition: world.hpp:404
AbstractKart * getLocalPlayerKart(unsigned int n) const
Returns the nth local player kart, i.e.
Definition: world.cpp:1406
const KartList & getKarts() const
Returns all karts.
Definition: world.hpp:347
unsigned int getCurrentNumPlayers() const
Returns the number of currently active (i.e.
Definition: world.hpp:354
virtual float estimateFinishTimeForKart(AbstractKart *kart)
Used for AI karts that are still racing when all player kart finished.
Definition: world.hpp:201
bool useHighScores() const
Definition: world.hpp:379
virtual bool haveBonusBoxes()
Called to determine whether this race mode uses bonus boxes.
Definition: world.hpp:299
virtual void collectedItem(const AbstractKart *kart, const ItemState *item)
Receives notification if an item is collected.
Definition: world.hpp:291
void updateHighscores(int *best_highscore_rank)
Called at the end of a race.
Definition: world.cpp:1290
void initTeamArrows(AbstractKart *k)
Set the team arrow on karts if necessary.
Definition: world.cpp:311
virtual unsigned int getRescuePositionIndex(AbstractKart *kart)=0
Determines the rescue position index of the specified kart.
RaceGUIBase * getRaceGUI() const
Returns a pointer to the race gui.
Definition: world.hpp:336
virtual void reset(bool restart=false) OVERRIDE
This function is called before a race is started (i.e.
Definition: world.cpp:347
virtual const std::string & getIdent() const =0
Each game mode should have a unique identifier.
virtual void getKartsDisplayInfo(std::vector< RaceGUIBase::KartIconDisplayInfo > *info)=0
Called by the code that draws the list of karts on the race GUI to know what needs to be drawn in the...
unsigned int getNumKarts() const
Returns the number of karts in the race.
Definition: world.hpp:339
virtual void unpause() OVERRIDE
Switches back from a pause state to the previous state.
Definition: world.cpp:1490
AbstractKart * getKart(int kartId) const
Returns the kart with a given world id.
Definition: world.hpp:342
KartTeam getKartTeam(unsigned int kart_id) const
Get the team of kart in world (including AIs)
Definition: world.cpp:1663
virtual bool shouldDrawTimer() const
The code that draws the timer should call this first to know whether the game mode wants a timer draw...
Definition: world.hpp:375
void updateTrack(int ticks)
Only updates the track.
Definition: world.cpp:1250
static World * getWorld()
Returns a pointer to the (singleton) world object.
Definition: world.hpp:213
virtual void updateGraphics(float dt)
This updates all only graphical elements.
Definition: world.cpp:1123
void moveKartTo(AbstractKart *kart, const btTransform &t)
Places the kart at a given position and rotation.
Definition: world.cpp:921
RaceGUIBase * m_race_gui
Pointer to the race GUI.
Definition: world.hpp:148
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfRescuePositions() const
Returns the number of rescue positions on a given track and game mode.
Definition: world.cpp:1540
virtual const btTransform & getStartTransform(int index)
Returns the start coordinates for a kart with a given index.
Definition: world.cpp:561
virtual btTransform getRescueTransform(unsigned int index) const
Returns the bullet transformation for the specified rescue index.
Definition: world.cpp:1532
void resetAllKarts()
Waits till each kart is resting on the ground.
Definition: world.cpp:806
AbstractKart * getPlayerKart(unsigned int player) const
Returns the n-th player kart.
Definition: world.cpp:1384
virtual void update(int ticks) OVERRIDE
Updates the physics, all karts, the track, and projectile manager.
Definition: world.cpp:1169
virtual void newLap(unsigned int kart_index)
Called whenever a kart starts a new lap.
Definition: world.hpp:311
virtual void moveKartAfterRescue(AbstractKart *kart)
Places a kart that is rescued.
Definition: world.cpp:909
static void deleteWorld()
Delete the )singleton) world object, if it exists, and sets the singleton pointer to NULL.
Definition: world.hpp:222
int m_eliminated_karts
Number of eliminated karts.
Definition: world.hpp:120
virtual bool useChecklineRequirements() const
Whether to compute checkline requirements for each world on the quadgraph.
Definition: world.hpp:386
bool m_use_highscores
Whether highscores should be used for this kind of race.
Definition: world.hpp:135
The main world class is used to handle the track and the karts.
Definition: world.cpp:130
Handicap per player.
Definition: remote_kart_info.hpp:42