virtual void | update (float dt) OVERRIDE |
| Called once per time frame to move the camera to the right position.
void | applyMouseMovement (float x, float y) |
| Applies mouse movement to the first person camera.
void | setSmoothMovement (bool value) |
| Sets if the first person camera should be moved smooth.
bool | getSmoothMovement () |
| If the first person camera should be moved smooth.
void | setAttachedFpsCam (bool value) |
| Sets if the first person camera should be moved with the kart.
bool | getAttachedFpsCam () |
| If the first person camera should be moved with the kart.
void | setMaximumVelocity (float vel) |
| Sets the angular velocity for this camera.
float | getMaximumVelocity () |
| Returns the current angular velocity.
void | setDirection (core::vector3df target) |
| Sets the vector, the first person camera should look at.
const core::vector3df & | getDirection () |
| Gets the vector, the first person camera should look at.
void | setUpVector (core::vector3df target) |
| Sets the up vector, the first person camera should use.
const core::vector3df & | getUpVector () |
| Gets the up vector, the first person camera should use.
void | setAngularVelocity (float vel) |
| Sets the angular velocity for this camera.
float | getAngularVelocity () |
| Returns the current target angular velocity.
void | setLinearVelocity (core::vector3df vel) |
| Sets the linear velocity for this camera.
const core::vector3df & | getLinearVelocity () |
| Returns the current linear velocity.
void | setMode (Mode mode) |
| Sets the mode of the camera.
Mode | getMode () |
| Set the camera to the given mode.
Mode | getPreviousMode () |
| Returns the last known mode of the camera.
bool | isSpectatorMode () |
| Returns true if camera is a spectator camera.
void | setNextSpectatorMode () |
| Switch to next spectator mode (a -> soccer -> top view -> a)
void | setKart (AbstractKart *new_kart) |
| Changes the owner of this camera to the new kart.
virtual void | setInitialTransform () |
| Saves the current kart position as the initial starting position for the camera.
virtual void | activate (bool alsoActivateInIrrlicht=true) |
| Sets viewport etc.
virtual void | update (float dt) |
| Called once per time frame to move the camera to the right position.
CameraType | getType () |
| Returns the type of this camera.
void | setFoV () |
| Sets the field of view for the irrlicht camera.
int | getIndex () const |
| Returns the camera index (or player kart index, which is the same).
core::matrix4 | getPreviousPVMatrix () const |
| Returns the project-view matrix of the previous frame.
void | setPreviousPVMatrix (core::matrix4 mat) |
| Returns the project-view matrix of the previous frame.
const AbstractKart * | getKart () const |
| Returns the kart to which this camera is attached.
AbstractKart * | getKart () |
| Returns the kart to which this camera is attached.
void | setAmbientLight (const video::SColor &color) |
| Sets the ambient light for this camera.
const video::SColor & | getAmbientLight () const |
| Returns the current ambient light.
const core::recti & | getViewport () const |
| Returns the viewport of this camera.
const core::vector2df & | getScaling () const |
| Returns the scaling in x/y direction for this camera.
scene::ICameraSceneNode * | getCameraSceneNode () |
| Returns the camera scene node.
Vec3 | getXYZ () |
| Returs the absolute position of the camera.
void | setupCamera () |
| Sets up the viewport, aspect ratio, field of view, and scaling for this camera.
float | m_position_speed |
| The speed at which the camera changes position.
float | m_target_speed |
| The speed at which the camera target changes position.
float | m_rotation_range |
| Factor of the effects of steering in camera aim.
bool | m_smooth |
| Smooth acceleration with the first person camera.
bool | m_attached |
| Attache the first person camera to a kart.
float | m_angular_velocity |
| The speed at which the up-vector rotates, only used for the first person camera.
float | m_target_angular_velocity |
| Target angular velocity.
float | m_max_velocity |
| Maximum velocity for fps camera.
core::vector3df | m_lin_velocity |
| Linear velocity of the camera, used for end and first person camera.
core::vector3df | m_target_velocity |
| Velocity of the target of the camera, used for end and first person camera.
core::vector3df | m_target_direction |
| The target direction for the camera, only used for the first person camera.
core::vector3df | m_direction_velocity |
| The speed at which the direction changes, only used for the first person camera.
core::vector3df | m_target_up_vector |
| The up vector the camera should have, only used for the first person camera.
core::vector3df | m_local_position |
| Save the local position if the first person camera is attached to the kart.
core::vector3df | m_local_direction |
| Save the local direction if the first person camera is attached to the kart.
core::vector3df | m_local_up |
| Save the local up vector if the first person camera is attached to the kart.
enum | CameraType { CM_TYPE_NORMAL
} |
| The different camera types that can be used. More...
enum | Mode {
} |
| Camera (CameraType type, int camera_index, AbstractKart *kart) |
virtual | ~Camera () |
| Removes the camera scene node from the scene.
virtual void | reset () |
| Reset is called when a new race starts.
static Camera * | createCamera (unsigned int index, CameraType type, AbstractKart *kart) |
| Creates a camera of the specified type, but does not add it to the list of all cameras.
scene::ICameraSceneNode * | m_camera |
| The camera scene node.
AbstractKart * | m_kart |
| The kart that the camera follows.