No Matches
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 123]
 Add-onsHandles add-ons that can be downloaded
 AnimationsThis module manages interpolation-based animation (of position, rotation and/or scale)
 AudioThis module handles audio (sound effects and music)
 ChallengesThis module handles the challenge system, which locks features (tracks, karts modes, etc.) until the user completes some task
 ConfigThis module handles the user configuration, the supertuxkart configuration file (which contains options usually not edited by the player) and the input configuration file
 FontThis module stores font files and tools used to draw characters in STK
 GraphicsThis module contains the core graphics engine, that is mostly a thin layer on top of irrlicht providing some additional features we need for STK (like particles, more scene node types, mesh manipulation tools, material management, etc...)
 GuiengineContains the generic GUI engine (contains the widgets and the backing logic for event handling, the skin, screens and dialogs)
 Guiengine/WidgetsContains the various types of widgets supported by the GUI engine
 InputContains classes for input management (keyboard and gamepad)
 IoContains generic utility classes for file I/O (especially XML handling)
 ItemsDefines the various collectibles and weapons of STK
 Karts/controllerContains kart controllers, which are either human players or AIs (this module thus contains the AIs)
 KartsContains classes that deal with the properties, models and physics of karts
 ModesContains the logic for the various game modes (race, follow the leader, battle, etc.)
 OnlineRepresents a server that is joinable
 PhysicsContains various physics utilities
 RaceContains the race information that is conceptually above what you can find in group Modes
 States_screensContains the various screens and dialogs of the STK user interface, using the facilities of the guiengine module
 TracksContains information about tracks, namely drivelines, checklines and track objects
 PhysicalObject (script binding)Type returned by trackObject.getPhysicalObject()
 TrackObject (script binding)