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Contains information about tracks, namely drivelines, checklines and track objects. More...


class  ArenaGraph
 A graph made from navmesh. More...
class  ArenaNode
class  ArenaNode3D
class  BezierCurve
 A class to manage bezier curves and interpolation. More...
class  BoundingBox3D
class  CheckCannon
 Implements a simple checkline that will cause a kart or flyable to be shot to a specified point. More...
class  CheckCylinder
 This class implements a check sphere that is used to change the ambient light if a kart is inside this sphere. More...
class  CheckGoal
 Implements a simple checkline that will score a point when the soccer ball crosses it. More...
class  CheckLap
 Implements a simple lap test. More...
class  CheckLine
 Implements a simple checkline. More...
class  CheckManager
 Controls all checks structures of a track. More...
class  CheckSphere
 This class implements a check sphere that is used to change the ambient light if a kart is inside this sphere. More...
class  CheckStructure
 Virtual base class for a check structure. More...
class  CheckTrigger
 This class implements a check point like item, but used only for scripting or sound trigger. More...
class  DriveGraph
 A graph made from driveline. More...
class  DriveNode
 This class stores a node of the drive graph, i.e. More...
class  DriveNode2D
class  DriveNode3D
class  Graph
 This class stores a graph of quads. More...
class  ModelDefinitionLoader
 Utility class to load level-of-detail nodes and library nodes. More...
class  Quad
class  TerrainInfo
 This class stores information about the triangle that's under an object, i.e.: the normal, a pointer to the material, and the height above th. More...
class  Track
class  TrackManager
 Simple class to load and manage track data, track names and such. More...
class  TrackObject
 This is a base object for any separate object on the track, which might also have a skeletal animation. More...
class  TrackObjectManager
class  TrackObjectPresentation
 Base class for all track object presentation classes. More...
class  TrackObjectPresentationSceneNode
 Base class for all track object presentation classes using a scene node as presentation. More...
class  TrackObjectPresentationEmpty
 A track object representation that is invisible and only consists of a location, rotation and scale. More...
class  TrackObjectPresentationLibraryNode
 A track object representation that is a library node. More...
class  TrackObjectPresentationLOD
 A track object representation that consists of a level-of-detail scene node. More...
class  TrackObjectPresentationMesh
 A track object representation that consists of a mesh scene node. More...
class  TrackObjectPresentationSound
 A track object representation that consists of a sound emitter. More...
class  TrackObjectPresentationBillboard
 A track object representation that consists of a billboard scene node. More...
class  TrackObjectPresentationParticles
 A track object representation that consists of a particle emitter. More...
class  TrackObjectPresentationLight
 A track object representation that consists of a light emitter. More...
class  TrackObjectPresentationActionTrigger
 A track object representation that consists of an action trigger. More...

Detailed Description

Contains information about tracks, namely drivelines, checklines and track objects.