virtual void | loadedFromFile () OVERRIDE |
| implement callback from parent class GUIEngine::Screen
void | setMultiplayer (bool multiplayer) |
void | setFromOverworld (bool from_overworld) |
| Set whether this screen is being visited from overworld or not.
void | setGoToOverworldNext () |
bool | joinPlayer (InputDevice *device, PlayerProfile *p) |
| Called when a player hits 'fire'/'select' on his device to join the game.
virtual bool | playerQuit (StateManager::ActivePlayer *player) |
| Called when a player hits 'rescue'/'cancel' on his device to leave the game.
virtual void | init () OVERRIDE |
| implement callback from parent class GUIEngine::Screen
virtual void | beforeAddingWidget () OVERRIDE |
| Optional callback invoked very early, before widgets have been added (contrast with init(), which is invoked afer widgets were added)
virtual void | tearDown () OVERRIDE |
| implement callback from parent class GUIEngine::Screen
virtual void | eventCallback (GUIEngine::Widget *widget, const std::string &name, const int playerID) OVERRIDE |
| implement callback from parent class GUIEngine::Screen
virtual void | onUpdate (float dt) OVERRIDE |
| implement callback from parent class GUIEngine::Screen
virtual void | unloaded () OVERRIDE |
| implement optional callback from parent class GUIEngine::Screen
virtual bool | onEscapePressed () OVERRIDE |
| implement optional callback from parent class GUIEngine::Screen
std::function< Screen *()> | getNewScreenPointer () const |
| Save the function before GUIEngine::clearScreenCache, call it after to get the new screen instance pointer.
void | setScreenPointerFunction (const std::function< Screen *()> &f) |
| Screen (bool pause_race=true) |
| Creates a dummy incomplete object; only use to override behaviour in sub-class.
| Screen (const char *filename, bool pause_race=true) |
| Creates a screen populated by the widgets described in a STK GUI file.
bool | operator== (const char *filename) const |
void | loadFromFile () |
| loads this Screen from the file passed to the constructor
bool | isLoaded () const |
void | addWidgets () |
| Adds the IrrLicht widgets corresponding to this screen to the IGUIEnvironment.
void | calculateLayout () |
| Called after all widgets have been added.
void | manualAddWidget (Widget *w) |
| Can be used for custom purposes for which the load-screen-from-XML code won't make it.
void | manualRemoveWidget (Widget *w) |
| Can be used for custom purposes for which the load-screen-from-XML code won't make it.
void | setUpdateInBackground (bool value) |
| When set to true it updates the screen even if modal dialog is opened.
bool | getUpdateInBackground () |
const std::string & | getName () const |
virtual void | unload () |
| Next time this menu needs to be shown, don't use cached values, re-calculate everything.
bool | needs3D () |
| Will be called to determine if the 3D scene must be rendered when at this screen.
void | setNeeds3D (bool needs3D) |
| Invoke this method for screens that use a 3D scene as background.
virtual void | loadedFromFile ()=0 |
| Callback invoked when loading this menu.
virtual void | unloaded () |
| Callback invoked when this screen is being unloaded.
virtual void | beforeAddingWidget () |
| Optional callback invoked very early, before widgets have been added (contrast with init(), which is invoked afer widgets were added)
virtual void | init () |
| Callback invoked when entering this menu (after the widgets have been added).
void | push () |
| Displays this screen bu pushing it onto the stack of screen in the state manager.
virtual void | tearDown () |
| Callback invoked before leaving this menu.
virtual bool | onEscapePressed () |
| Called when escape is pressed.
virtual void | eventCallback (Widget *widget, const std::string &name, const int playerID)=0 |
| will be called everytime something happens.
virtual void | onUpdate (float dt) |
| optional callback you can override to be notified at every frame.
virtual void | onDraw (float dt) |
| optional callback you can override to be notified at every frame.
virtual MusicInformation * | getMusic () const |
virtual MusicInformation * | getInGameMenuMusic () const |
virtual int | getWidth () |
virtual int | getHeight () |
virtual bool | isResizable () const |
virtual EventPropagation | filterActions (PlayerAction action, int deviceID, const unsigned int value, Input::InputType type, int playerId) |
| Override this if you need to be notified of player actions in subclasses.
virtual void | onDisabledItemClicked (const std::string &item) |
| Callback you can use if you want to know when the user pressed on a disabled ribbon item.
virtual void | filterInput (Input::InputType type, int deviceID, int btnID, int axisDir, int value) |
| Override this if you need to be notified of raw input in subclasses.
virtual void | onDialogClose () |
| Callback that gets called when a dialog is closed.
virtual void | onFocusChanged (Widget *previous, Widget *focus, int playerID) |
| Callback called when focus changes.
virtual int | getWidth ()=0 |
virtual int | getHeight ()=0 |
Widget * | getWidget (const char *name) |
| This function returns a widget by name if that widget is found.
Widget * | getWidget (const int id) |
| This function returns a widget by irrlicht ID if that widget is found.
template<typename T > |
T * | getWidget (const char *name) |
| This function searches and returns a widget by name, cast as specified type, if that widget is found and the type is correct.
Widget * | getFirstWidget (PtrVector< Widget > *within_vector=NULL) |
| This function returns the first widget found in within_vector.
Widget * | getLastWidget (PtrVector< Widget > *within_vector=NULL) |
| This function returns the last widget found in within_vector.
void | elementsWereDeleted (PtrVector< Widget > *within_vector=NULL) |
| This function is called when screen is removed.
bool | isMyChild (Widget *widget) const |
| This function checks if a widget is a child of the container.
virtual bool | enableScreenPadding () const |