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WorldWithRank Class Reference

A WorldWithRank is a world where the karts are ranked. More...

#include <world_with_rank.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for WorldWithRank:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

virtual void init () OVERRIDE
 call just after instanciating.
virtual void reset (bool restart=false) OVERRIDE
 This function is called before a race is started (i.e.
bool displayRank () const
void beginSetKartPositions ()
 This function must be called before starting to set all kart positions again.
bool setKartPosition (unsigned int kart_id, unsigned int position)
 Sets the position of a kart.
void endSetKartPositions ()
 Called once the last position was set.
AbstractKartgetKartAtPosition (unsigned int p) const
 Returns the kart with a given position.
virtual AbstractKartgetKartAtDrawingPosition (unsigned int p) const
 Returns the kart at which position (start from 1) to draw race icon.
virtual int getScoreForPosition (int p)
 Returns the number of points for a kart at a specified position.
virtual unsigned int getRescuePositionIndex (AbstractKart *kart) OVERRIDE
 Determines the rescue position for a kart.
TrackSectorgetTrackSector (unsigned int kart_index) const
 Returns the track_sector object for the specified kart.
bool isOnRoad (unsigned int kart_index) const
 Returns true if the kart is on a valid graph quad.
int getSectorForKart (const AbstractKart *kart) const
 Gets the sector a kart is on.
- Public Member Functions inherited from World
 World ()
 The main world class is used to handle the track and the karts.
virtual const std::string & getIdent () const =0
 Each game mode should have a unique identifier.
virtual unsigned int getNumberOfRescuePositions () const
 Returns the number of rescue positions on a given track and game mode.
virtual unsigned int getRescuePositionIndex (AbstractKart *kart)=0
 Determines the rescue position index of the specified kart.
virtual btTransform getRescueTransform (unsigned int index) const
 Returns the bullet transformation for the specified rescue index.
virtual void moveKartAfterRescue (AbstractKart *kart)
 Places a kart that is rescued.
virtual bool raceHasLaps ()=0
 Called when it is needed to know whether this kind of race involves counting laps.
virtual bool showLapsTarget ()
 If true lap counter shows lap count in format: 4/20 or if false then in format: 4.
virtual int getFinishedLapsOfKart (unsigned int kart_index) const
 Returns the number of laps for a given kart.
virtual void getKartsDisplayInfo (std::vector< RaceGUIBase::KartIconDisplayInfo > *info)=0
 Called by the code that draws the list of karts on the race GUI to know what needs to be drawn in the current mode.
virtual void init ()
 This function is called after instanciating.
virtual void updateGraphics (float dt)
 This updates all only graphical elements.
virtual void terminateRace () OVERRIDE
 Called at the end of a race.
virtual void reset (bool restart=false) OVERRIDE
 This function is called before a race is started (i.e.
virtual void pause (Phase phase) OVERRIDE
 Pauses the music (and then pauses WorldStatus).
virtual void unpause () OVERRIDE
 Switches back from a pause state to the previous state.
virtual void getDefaultCollectibles (int *collectible_type, int *amount)
 Called to determine the default collectibles to give each player at the start for this kind of race.
virtual void collectedItem (const AbstractKart *kart, const ItemState *item)
 Receives notification if an item is collected.
virtual void endRaceEarly ()
virtual bool hasRaceEndedEarly () const
virtual bool haveBonusBoxes ()
 Called to determine whether this race mode uses bonus boxes.
virtual bool useFastMusicNearEnd () const
 Returns if this mode should use fast music (if available).
virtual void kartAdded (AbstractKart *kart, scene::ISceneNode *node)
 If you want to do something to karts or their graphics at the start of the race, override this.
virtual void newLap (unsigned int kart_index)
 Called whenever a kart starts a new lap.
virtual bool kartHit (int kart_id, int hitter=-1)
 Called when a kart was hit by a projectile.
virtual void onMouseClick (int x, int y)
HighscoresgetHighscores () const
HighscoresgetGPHighscores () const
void schedulePause (Phase phase)
void scheduleUnpause ()
void scheduleExitRace ()
void scheduleTutorial ()
void updateWorld (int ticks)
 This is the main interface to update the world.
void handleExplosion (const Vec3 &xyz, AbstractKart *kart_hit, PhysicalObject *object)
AbstractKartgetPlayerKart (unsigned int player) const
 Returns the n-th player kart.
AbstractKartgetLocalPlayerKart (unsigned int n) const
 Returns the nth local player kart, i.e.
virtual const btTransform & getStartTransform (int index)
 Returns the start coordinates for a kart with a given index.
void moveKartTo (AbstractKart *kart, const btTransform &t)
 Places the kart at a given position and rotation.
void updateTimeTargetSound ()
RaceGUIBasegetRaceGUI () const
 Returns a pointer to the race gui.
unsigned int getNumKarts () const
 Returns the number of karts in the race.
AbstractKartgetKart (int kartId) const
 Returns the kart with a given world id.
const KartList & getKarts () const
 Returns all karts.
unsigned int getCurrentNumKarts () const
 Returns the number of currently active (i.e.non-elikminated) karts.
unsigned int getCurrentNumPlayers () const
 Returns the number of currently active (i.e.
void resetElimination ()
virtual void addReservedKart (int kart_id)
virtual void saveCompleteState (BareNetworkString *bns, STKPeer *peer)
virtual void restoreCompleteState (const BareNetworkString &buffer)
virtual bool shouldDrawTimer () const
 The code that draws the timer should call this first to know whether the game mode wants a timer drawn.
bool useHighScores () const
virtual void onFirePressed (Controller *who)
 Override if you want to know when a kart presses fire.
virtual bool useChecklineRequirements () const
 Whether to compute checkline requirements for each world on the quadgraph.
virtual void escapePressed ()
virtual void loadCustomModels ()
void eliminateKart (int kart_number, bool notify_of_elimination=true)
 Remove (eliminate) a kart from the race.
void setUnfairTeam (bool val)
virtual bool hasTeam () const
KartTeam getKartTeam (unsigned int kart_id) const
 Get the team of kart in world (including AIs)
int getTeamNum (KartTeam team) const
void setNetworkWorld (bool is_networked)
 Set the network mode (true if networked)
bool isNetworkWorld () const
void initTeamArrows (AbstractKart *k)
 Set the team arrow on karts if necessary.
virtual std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t > getGameStartedProgress () const
 Used by server to get the current started game progress in either or both remaining time or progress in percent.
virtual bool isGoalPhase () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from WorldStatus
virtual ~WorldStatus ()
 Destructor of WorldStatus.
virtual void reset (bool restart)
 Resets all status information, used when starting a new race.
virtual void updateTime (int ticks)
 Updates the world time and clock (which might be running backwards), and all status information, called once per frame at the end of the main loop.
virtual void update (int ticks)
 Update, called once per frame.
void startReadySetGo ()
virtual void pause (Phase phase)
 Pauses the game and switches to the specified phase.
virtual void unpause ()
 Switches back from a pause state to the previous state.
virtual void enterRaceOverState ()
 Called when the race is finished, but it still leaves some time for an end of race animation, and potentially let some more AI karts finish the race.
virtual void terminateRace ()
 Called when it's really over (delay over if any).
void setTime (const float time)
 Sets the time for the clock.
void setTicks (int ticks)
 Sets a new time for the world time, measured in ticks.
void setTicksForRewind (int ticks)
 Sets a new time for the world time (used by rewind), measured in ticks.
bool isStartPhase () const
bool isRacePhase () const
bool isActiveRacePhase () const
bool isFinishPhase () const
 While the race menu is being displayed, m_phase is limbo, and m_previous_phase is finish.
const Phase getPhase () const
 Returns the current race phase.
void setPhase (Phase phase)
 Sets the current race phase.
void setClockMode (const ClockType mode, const float initial_time=0.0f)
 Call to specify what kind of clock you want.
int getClockMode () const
 Returns the current clock mode.
float getTime () const
 Returns the current race time.
uint64_t getStart () const
 Returns the start time.
int getTimeTicks () const
 Returns the current race time in time ticks (i.e.
virtual void countdownReachedZero ()
 Will be called to notify your derived class that the clock, which is in COUNTDOWN mode, has reached zero.
virtual void onGo ()
 Called when the race actually starts.
int getTicksSinceStart () const
 Get the ticks since start regardless of which way the clock counts.
int getAuxiliaryTicks () const
bool isLiveJoinWorld () const
void setLiveJoinWorld (bool val)
int getMusicDescriptionTicks () const
void endLiveJoinWorld (int ticks_now)
 Base on the network timer set current world count up ticks to tick_now.

Protected Member Functions

unsigned int getClosestStartPoint (AbstractKart *kart)
void updateSectorForKarts ()
 Localize each kart on the graph using its center xyz.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from World
void updateHighscores (int *best_highscore_rank)
 Called at the end of a race.
void resetAllKarts ()
 Waits till each kart is resting on the ground.
ControllerloadAIController (AbstractKart *kart)
 Creates an AI controller for the kart.
virtual std::shared_ptr< AbstractKartcreateKart (const std::string &kart_ident, int index, int local_player_id, int global_player_id, RaceManager::KartType type, HandicapLevel handicap)
 Creates a kart, having a certain position, starting location, and local and global player id (if applicable).
virtual void onGo () OVERRIDE
 Called when 'go' is being displayed for the first time.
virtual bool isRaceOver ()=0
 Returns true if the race is over.
virtual void update (int ticks) OVERRIDE
 Updates the physics, all karts, the track, and projectile manager.
virtual void createRaceGUI ()
void updateTrack (int ticks)
 Only updates the track.
virtual float estimateFinishTimeForKart (AbstractKart *kart)
 Used for AI karts that are still racing when all player kart finished.
void updateAchievementDataEndRace ()
void updateAchievementModeCounters (bool start)

Protected Attributes

std::vector< int > m_position_index
 This contains a mapping from race position to kart index.
bool m_display_rank
 Whether to display the rank in the race GUI.
std::vector< int > m_score_for_position
 The points given to a kart on a given position (index is 0 based, so using race-position - 1.
std::vector< TrackSector * > m_kart_track_sector
 Stores the current graph node and track coordinates for each kart.
- Protected Attributes inherited from World
int m_red_ai
int m_blue_ai
std::map< int, KartTeam > m_kart_team_map
std::map< int, unsigned int > m_kart_position_map
KartList m_karts
 The list of all karts.
RandomGenerator m_random
int m_eliminated_karts
 Number of eliminated karts.
int m_eliminated_players
 Number of eliminated players.
int m_num_players
 OVerall number of players.
bool m_faster_music_active
bool m_stop_music_when_dialog_open
bool m_unfair_team
bool m_use_highscores
 Whether highscores should be used for this kind of race.
 Pointer to the race GUI.
 The actual race gui needs to be saved when the race result gui is displayed since it is still needed in case of a restart, and it can't simply be created again (since it assumes that it can render to texture without having any scene nodes, but in case of a restart there are scene nodes).
bool m_schedule_pause
 Pausing/unpausing are not done immediately, but at next udpdate.
bool m_schedule_unpause
 Pausing/unpausing are not done immediately, but at next udpdate.
bool m_schedule_exit_race
bool m_schedule_tutorial
Phase m_scheduled_pause_phase
bool m_self_destruct
 Set when the world needs to be deleted but you can't do it immediately because you are e.g.
bool m_is_network_world
 Set when the world is online and counts network players.
bool m_ended_early
- Protected Attributes inherited from WorldStatus
double m_time
 Elasped/remaining time in seconds.
int m_time_ticks
 Time in number of ticks (in terms of physics time steps).
bool m_play_racestart_sounds
 If the start race should be played, disabled in cutscenes.
const ProcessType m_process_type
 Process type of this world (main or child).
bool m_play_track_intro_sound
bool m_play_ready_set_go_sounds
std::atomic< Phase > m_phase

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from World
typedef std::vector< std::shared_ptr< AbstractKart > > KartList
- Public Types inherited from WorldStatus
 Different clock types for a race.
enum  Phase {
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from World
static WorldgetWorld ()
 Returns a pointer to the (singleton) world object.
static void deleteWorld ()
 Delete the )singleton) world object, if it exists, and sets the singleton pointer to NULL.
static void setWorld (World *world)
 Sets the pointer to the world object.
static void clear ()

Detailed Description

A WorldWithRank is a world where the karts are ranked.

This is the base class for races and battle modes - all of which rank the kart. A class using this as a subclass must call setKartPosition(kart id, position) and this class is used to access the ranks from other objects. This class adds a convenient rescue implementation: a kart is rescued to the closest start point. This is useful for battle, soccer, ... modes. Linear world defines its own rescue functions and will overwrite this.

Member Function Documentation

◆ beginSetKartPositions()

void WorldWithRank::beginSetKartPositions ( )

This function must be called before starting to set all kart positions again.

It's mainly used to add some debug support, i.e. detect if the same position is set in different karts.

◆ endSetKartPositions()

void WorldWithRank::endSetKartPositions ( )

Called once the last position was set.

Note that we should not test if all positions were set, since e.g. for eliminated and finished karts the position won't be set anymore.

◆ getKartAtDrawingPosition()

virtual AbstractKart * WorldWithRank::getKartAtDrawingPosition ( unsigned int  p) const

Returns the kart at which position (start from 1) to draw race icon.

pPosition of the kart.

Reimplemented in SoccerWorld.

◆ getKartAtPosition()

AbstractKart * WorldWithRank::getKartAtPosition ( unsigned int  p) const

Returns the kart with a given position.

pThe position of the kart, 1<=p<=num_karts).

◆ getRescuePositionIndex()

unsigned int WorldWithRank::getRescuePositionIndex ( AbstractKart kart)

Determines the rescue position for a kart.

The rescue position is the start position which is has the biggest accumulated distance to all other karts, and which has no other kart very close. The latter avoids dropping a kart on top of another kart. This is the method used

kartThe kart that is going to be rescued.
The index of the start position to which the rescued kart should be moved to.

Implements World.

Reimplemented in CaptureTheFlag, LinearWorld, SoccerWorld, and TutorialWorld.

◆ getScoreForPosition()

int WorldWithRank::getScoreForPosition ( int  p)

Returns the number of points for a kart at a specified position.

pPosition (starting with 1).

Reimplemented in FollowTheLeaderRace.

◆ getSectorForKart()

int WorldWithRank::getSectorForKart ( const AbstractKart kart) const

Gets the sector a kart is on.

This function returns UNKNOWN_SECTOR if the kart_id is larger than the current kart sector. This is necessary in the case that a collision with the track happens during resetAllKarts: at this time m_kart_track_sector is not initialised (and has size 0), so it would trigger this assert. While this normally does not happen, it is useful for track designers that STK does not crash.

kartKart for which to return the sector.

◆ getTrackSector()

TrackSector * WorldWithRank::getTrackSector ( unsigned int  kart_index) const

Returns the track_sector object for the specified kart.

kart_indexWorld index of the kart.

◆ init()

void WorldWithRank::init ( )

call just after instanciating.

can't be moved to the contructor as child classes must be instanciated, otherwise polymorphism will fail and the results will be incorrect

Reimplemented from World.

Reimplemented in CaptureTheFlag, EasterEggHunt, FollowTheLeaderRace, FreeForAll, LinearWorld, SoccerWorld, and ThreeStrikesBattle.

◆ isOnRoad()

bool WorldWithRank::isOnRoad ( unsigned int  kart_index) const

Returns true if the kart is on a valid graph quad.

kart_indexIndex of the kart.

◆ reset()

void WorldWithRank::reset ( bool  restart = false)

This function is called before a race is started (i.e.

either after calling init() when starting a race for the first time, or after restarting a race, in which case no init() is called.

Reimplemented from World.

Reimplemented in CaptureTheFlag, EasterEggHunt, FollowTheLeaderRace, FreeForAll, LapTrial, LinearWorld, SoccerWorld, and ThreeStrikesBattle.

◆ setKartPosition()

bool WorldWithRank::setKartPosition ( unsigned int  kart_id,
unsigned int  position 

Sets the position of a kart.

This will be saved in this object to allow quick lookup of which kart is on a given position, but also in the kart objects.

kart_idThe index of the kart to set the position for.
positionThe position of the kart (1<=position<=num karts).
false if this position was already set, i.e. an inconsistency in kart positions has occurred. This is used in debug mode only to allow the calling function to print debug information.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: