class that creates the irrLicht device and offers higher-level ways to manage the 3D scene More...
#include <irr_driver.hpp>
Classes | |
struct | BloomData |
class | VideoMode |
A simple class to store video resolutions. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
video::SColorf | getAmbientLight () const |
void | doScreenShot () |
Requess a screenshot from irrlicht, and save it in a file. | |
IrrDriver () | |
The constructor creates the irrlicht device. | |
~IrrDriver () | |
Destructor - removes the irrlicht device. | |
void | initDevice () |
This creates the actualy OpenGL device. | |
void | reset () |
Called before a race is started, after all cameras are set up. | |
void | setMaxTextureSize () |
void | unsetMaxTextureSize () |
void | getOpenGLData (std::string *vendor, std::string *renderer, std::string *version) |
void | increaseObjectCount () |
core::array< video::IRenderTarget > & | getMainSetup () |
void | updateConfigIfRelevant () |
If the position of the window should be remembered, store it in the config file. | |
core::recti | getSplitscreenWindow (int WindowNum) |
void | setAllMaterialFlags (scene::IMesh *mesh) const |
Sets the material flags in this mesh depending on the settings in material_manager. | |
scene::IAnimatedMesh * | getAnimatedMesh (const std::string &name) |
Loads an animated mesh and returns a pointer to it. | |
scene::IMesh * | getMesh (const std::string &name) |
Loads a non-animated mesh and returns a pointer to it. | |
void | displayFPS () |
Displays the FPS on the screen. | |
void | displayStoryModeTimer () |
Displays the timer for Story Mode on the screen. | |
bool | OnEvent (const irr::SEvent &event) |
This is not really used to process events, it's only used to shut down irrLicht's chatty logging until the event handler is ready to take the task. | |
void | setAmbientLight (const video::SColorf &light, bool force_SH_computation=true) |
Sets the ambient light. | |
video::ITexture * | getTexture (FileManager::AssetType type, const std::string &filename) |
Loads a texture from a file and returns the texture object. | |
video::ITexture * | getTexture (const std::string &filename) |
Loads a texture from a file and returns the texture object. | |
void | grabAllTextures (const scene::IMesh *mesh) |
Appends a pointer to each texture used in this mesh to the vector. | |
void | dropAllTextures (const scene::IMesh *mesh) |
Appends a pointer to each texture used in this mesh to the vector. | |
scene::IMesh * | createQuadMesh (const video::SMaterial *material=NULL, bool create_one_quad=false) |
Creates a quad mesh with a given material. | |
scene::IMesh * | createTexturedQuadMesh (const video::SMaterial *material, const double w, const double h) |
Creates a quad mesh buffer with a given width and height (z coordinate is 0). | |
scene::ISceneNode * | addWaterNode (scene::IMesh *mesh, scene::IMesh **welded, float wave_height, float wave_speed, float wave_length) |
Converts the mesh into a water scene node. | |
scene::IMeshSceneNode * | addOctTree (scene::IMesh *mesh) |
Adds a mesh that will be optimised using an oct tree. | |
scene::ISceneNode * | addSphere (float radius, const video::SColor &color=video::SColor(128, 255, 255, 255)) |
Adds a sphere with a given radius and color. | |
scene::ISceneNode * | addMesh (scene::IMesh *mesh, const std::string &debug_name, scene::ISceneNode *parent=NULL, std::shared_ptr< GE::GERenderInfo > render_info=nullptr) |
Adds a static mesh to scene. | |
PerCameraNode * | addPerCameraNode (scene::ISceneNode *node, scene::ICameraSceneNode *cam, scene::ISceneNode *parent=NULL) |
scene::ISceneNode * | addBillboard (const core::dimension2d< f32 > size, const std::string &tex_name, scene::ISceneNode *parent=NULL) |
Adds a billboard node to scene. | |
scene::IParticleSystemSceneNode * | addParticleNode (bool default_emitter=true) |
Adds a particle scene node. | |
scene::ISceneNode * | addSkyBox (const std::vector< video::ITexture * > &texture_names, const std::vector< video::ITexture * > &spherical_harmonics_textures) |
Adds a skybox using. | |
void | suppressSkyBox () |
void | removeNode (scene::ISceneNode *node) |
Removes a scene node from the scene. | |
void | removeMeshFromCache (scene::IMesh *mesh) |
Removes a mesh from the mesh cache, freeing the memory. | |
void | removeTexture (video::ITexture *t) |
Removes a texture from irrlicht's texture cache. | |
scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode * | addAnimatedMesh (scene::IAnimatedMesh *mesh, const std::string &debug_name, scene::ISceneNode *parent=NULL, std::shared_ptr< GE::GERenderInfo > render_info=nullptr) |
Adds an animated mesh to the scene. | |
scene::ICameraSceneNode * | addCameraSceneNode () |
Adds a camera to the scene. | |
Camera * | addCamera (unsigned int index, AbstractKart *kart) |
void | removeCameraSceneNode (scene::ICameraSceneNode *camera) |
Removes a camera. | |
void | removeCamera (Camera *camera) |
void | update (float dt, bool loading=false) |
Update, called once per frame. | |
void | changeResolution (const int w, const int h, const bool fullscreen) |
Call to change resolution. | |
void | cancelResChange () |
Call this to roll back to the previous resolution if a resolution switch attempt goes bad. | |
bool | moveWindow (int x, int y) |
Moves the STK main window to coordinates (x,y) | |
void | showPointer () |
void | hidePointer () |
void | setLastLightBucketDistance (unsigned d) |
void | setSkinningJoint (unsigned d) |
bool | isPointerShown () const |
core::position2di | getMouseLocation () |
void | printRenderStats () |
Prints statistics about rendering, e.g. | |
void | requestScreenshot () |
class GPUTimer & | getGPUTimer (unsigned) |
const char * | getGPUQueryPhaseName (unsigned) |
std::unique_ptr< RenderTarget > | createRenderTarget (const irr::core::dimension2du &dimension, const std::string &name) |
const irr::video::SColor & | getClearColor () const |
Returns the color to clear the back buffer. | |
void | setClearbackBufferColor (irr::video::SColor color) |
Sets the color to use when clearing the back buffer. | |
const std::vector< VideoMode > & | getVideoModes () const |
Returns a list of all video modes supports by the graphics card. | |
const core::dimension2d< u32 > & | getFrameSize () const |
Returns the frame size. | |
IrrlichtDevice * | getDevice () const |
Returns the irrlicht device. | |
video::IVideoDriver * | getVideoDriver () const |
Returns the irrlicht video driver. | |
scene::ISceneManager * | getSceneManager () const |
Returns the irrlicht scene manager. | |
gui::IGUIEnvironment * | getGUI () const |
Returns the gui environment, used to add widgets to a screen. | |
unsigned int | getRealTime () |
Returns the current real time, which might not be 0 at start of the application. | |
void | giveBoost (unsigned int cam_index) |
Use motion blur for a short time. | |
core::vector3df | getWind () |
const SHCoefficients * | getSHCoefficients () |
Returns a pointer to the spherical harmonics coefficients. | |
const core::vector3df & | getSunDirection () const |
void | setSunDirection (const core::vector3df &SunPos) |
video::SColorf | getSunColor () const |
void | setSunColor (const video::SColorf &col) |
GLuint | getRenderTargetTexture (TypeRTT which) |
GLuint | getDepthStencilTexture () |
void | resetDebugModes () |
void | toggleSSAOViz () |
bool | getSSAOViz () |
void | toggleShadowViz () |
bool | getShadowViz () |
void | toggleBoundingBoxesViz () |
void | toggleRenderNetworkDebug () |
bool | getRenderNetworkDebug () const |
void | renderNetworkDebug () |
bool | getBoundingBoxesViz () |
int | getSceneComplexity () |
void | resetSceneComplexity () |
void | addSceneComplexity (int complexity) |
bool | isRecording () const |
void | setRecording (bool val) |
std::vector< LightNode * > | getLights () |
void | addGlowingNode (scene::ISceneNode *n, float r=1.0f, float g=1.0f, float b=1.0f) |
void | clearGlowingNodes () |
void | addForcedBloomNode (scene::ISceneNode *n, float power=1) |
void | clearForcedBloom () |
const std::vector< BloomData > & | getForcedBloom () const |
void | clearBackgroundNodes () |
void | addBackgroundNode (scene::ISceneNode *const n) |
scene::ISceneNode * | addLight (const core::vector3df &pos, float energy, float radius, float r, float g, float b, bool sun_=false, scene::ISceneNode *parent=NULL) |
void | clearLights () |
SP::SPDynamicDrawCall * | getSunInterposer () |
void | cleanSunInterposer () |
void | createSunInterposer () |
void | setViewMatrix (core::matrix4 matrix) |
const core::matrix4 & | getViewMatrix () const |
const core::matrix4 & | getInvViewMatrix () const |
void | setProjMatrix (core::matrix4 matrix) |
const core::matrix4 & | getProjMatrix () const |
const core::matrix4 & | getInvProjMatrix () const |
void | genProjViewMatrix () |
const core::matrix4 & | getProjViewMatrix () const |
const core::matrix4 & | getInvProjViewMatrix () const |
const core::vector2df & | getCurrentScreenSize () const |
const core::dimension2du | getActualScreenSize () const |
float | getSSAORadius () const |
void | setSSAORadius (float v) |
float | getSSAOK () const |
void | setSSAOK (float v) |
float | getSSAOSigma () const |
void | setSSAOSigma (float v) |
void | onLoadWorld () |
void | onUnloadWorld () |
void | updateSplitAndLightcoordRangeFromComputeShaders (size_t width, size_t height) |
void | uploadLightingData () |
void | sameRestart () |
u32 | getDefaultFramebuffer () const |
void | handleWindowResize () |
Private Types | |
Flag to indicate if a resolution change is pending (which will be acted upon in the next update). More... | |
Private Member Functions | |
void | setupViewports () |
void | applyResolutionSettings (bool recreate_device) |
Internal method that applies the resolution in user settings. | |
void | createListOfVideoModes () |
Gets a list of supported video modes from the irrlicht device. | |
void | resizeWindow () |
Private Attributes | |
IrrlichtDevice * | m_device |
The irrlicht device. | |
scene::ISceneManager * | m_scene_manager |
Irrlicht scene manager. | |
gui::IGUIEnvironment * | m_gui_env |
Irrlicht gui environment. | |
video::IVideoDriver * | m_video_driver |
Irrlicht video driver. | |
gui::IGUIFont * | m_race_font |
Irrlicht race font. | |
AbstractRenderer * | m_renderer |
Renderer. | |
Wind * | m_wind |
Wind. | |
core::dimension2du | m_actual_screen_size |
core::array< video::IRenderTarget > | m_mrt |
The main MRT setup. | |
core::matrix4 | m_ViewMatrix |
Matrixes used in several places stored here to avoid recomputation. | |
core::matrix4 | m_InvViewMatrix |
core::matrix4 | m_ProjMatrix |
core::matrix4 | m_InvProjMatrix |
core::matrix4 | m_ProjViewMatrix |
core::matrix4 | m_InvProjViewMatrix |
enum IrrDriver:: { ... } | m_resolution_changing |
Flag to indicate if a resolution change is pending (which will be acted upon in the next update). | |
int | m_screen_orientation |
std::vector< VideoMode > | m_modes |
bool | m_pointer_shown |
Whether the mouse cursor is currently shown. | |
int | m_scene_complexity |
Store if the scene is complex (based on polycount, etc) | |
bool | m_request_screenshot |
bool | m_ssaoviz |
bool | m_shadowviz |
bool | m_lightviz |
bool | m_boundingboxesviz |
bool | m_recording |
bool | m_render_nw_debug |
irr::video::SColor | m_clear_color |
Background colour to reset a buffer. | |
unsigned | m_last_light_bucket_distance |
unsigned | m_skinning_joint |
SP::SPDynamicDrawCall * | m_sun_interposer |
core::vector3df | m_sun_direction |
video::SColorf | m_suncolor |
std::vector< LightNode * > | m_lights |
std::vector< BloomData > | m_forcedbloom |
std::vector< scene::ISceneNode * > | m_background |
float | m_ssao_radius |
float | m_ssao_k |
float | m_ssao_sigma |
irr::ELOG_LEVEL | m_logger_level |
class that creates the irrLicht device and offers higher-level ways to manage the 3D scene
private |
Flag to indicate if a resolution change is pending (which will be acted upon in the next update).
None means no change, yes means change to new resolution and trigger confirmation dialog. Yes_warn means that the new resolution is unsupported and that the confirmation dialog needs an additional warning message. Same indicates a change of the resolution (back to the original one), but no confirmation dialog.
IrrDriver::IrrDriver | ( | ) |
The constructor creates the irrlicht device.
It first creates a NULL device. This is necessary to handle the Chicken/egg problem with irrlicht: access to the file system is given from the device, but we can't create the device before reading the user_config file (for resolution, fullscreen). So we create a dummy device here to begin with, which is then later (once the real device exists) changed in initDevice().
scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode * IrrDriver::addAnimatedMesh | ( | scene::IAnimatedMesh * | mesh, |
const std::string & | debug_name, | ||
scene::ISceneNode * | parent = NULL , |
std::shared_ptr< GE::GERenderInfo > | render_info = nullptr |
) |
Adds an animated mesh to the scene.
mesh | The animated mesh to add. |
scene::ISceneNode * IrrDriver::addMesh | ( | scene::IMesh * | mesh, |
const std::string & | debug_name, | ||
scene::ISceneNode * | parent = NULL , |
std::shared_ptr< GE::GERenderInfo > | render_info = nullptr |
) |
Adds a static mesh to scene.
This should be used for smaller objects, since the node is not optimised.
mesh | The mesh to add. |
scene::IMeshSceneNode * IrrDriver::addOctTree | ( | scene::IMesh * | mesh | ) |
Adds a mesh that will be optimised using an oct tree.
mesh | Mesh to add. |
scene::ISceneNode * IrrDriver::addSkyBox | ( | const std::vector< video::ITexture * > & | texture, |
const std::vector< video::ITexture * > & | spherical_harmonics_textures | ||
) |
Adds a skybox using.
Irrlicht documentation: A skybox is a big cube with 6 textures on it and is drawn around the camera position.
top | Texture for the top plane of the box. |
bottom | Texture for the bottom plane of the box. |
left | Texture for the left plane of the box. |
right | Texture for the right plane of the box. |
front | Texture for the front plane of the box. |
back | Texture for the back plane of the box. |
scene::ISceneNode * IrrDriver::addSphere | ( | float | radius, |
const video::SColor & | color = video::SColor(128, 255, 255, 255) |
) |
Adds a sphere with a given radius and color.
radius | The radius of the sphere. |
color | The color to use (default (0,0,0,0) |
scene::ISceneNode * IrrDriver::addWaterNode | ( | scene::IMesh * | mesh, |
scene::IMesh ** | welded, | ||
float | wave_height, | ||
float | wave_speed, | ||
float | wave_length | ||
) |
Converts the mesh into a water scene node.
mesh | The mesh which is converted into a water scene node. |
wave_height | Height of the water waves. |
wave_speed | Speed of the water waves. |
wave_length | Lenght of a water wave. |
private |
Gets a list of supported video modes from the irrlicht device.
This data is stored in m_modes.
scene::IMesh * IrrDriver::createQuadMesh | ( | const video::SMaterial * | material = NULL , |
bool | create_one_quad = false |
) |
Creates a quad mesh with a given material.
material | The material to use (NULL if no material). |
create_one_quad | If true creates one quad in the mesh. |
scene::IMesh * IrrDriver::createTexturedQuadMesh | ( | const video::SMaterial * | material, |
const double | w, | ||
const double | h | ||
) |
Creates a quad mesh buffer with a given width and height (z coordinate is 0).
material | The material to use for this quad. |
w | Width of the quad. |
h | Height of the quad. |
void IrrDriver::displayStoryModeTimer | ( | ) |
Displays the timer for Story Mode on the screen.
This can't be done in race or overworld GUIs as the speedrun timer has to be displayed on all screens.
void IrrDriver::dropAllTextures | ( | const scene::IMesh * | mesh | ) |
Appends a pointer to each texture used in this mesh to the vector.
mesh | The mesh from which the textures are being determined. |
texture_list | The list to which to attach the pointer to. |
scene::IAnimatedMesh * IrrDriver::getAnimatedMesh | ( | const std::string & | filename | ) |
Loads an animated mesh and returns a pointer to it.
filename | File to load. |
scene::IMesh * IrrDriver::getMesh | ( | const std::string & | filename | ) |
Loads a non-animated mesh and returns a pointer to it.
filename | File to load. |
unsigned int IrrDriver::getRealTime | ( | ) |
Returns the current real time, which might not be 0 at start of the application.
Value in msec.
video::ITexture * IrrDriver::getTexture | ( | const std::string & | filename | ) |
Loads a texture from a file and returns the texture object.
filename | File name of the texture to load. |
video::ITexture * IrrDriver::getTexture | ( | FileManager::AssetType | type, |
const std::string & | filename | ||
) |
Loads a texture from a file and returns the texture object.
This is just a convenient wrapper which loads the texture from a STK asset directory. It calls the file manager to get the full path, then calls the normal getTexture() function.s
type | The FileManager::AssetType of the texture. |
filename | File name of the texture to load. |
void IrrDriver::grabAllTextures | ( | const scene::IMesh * | mesh | ) |
Appends a pointer to each texture used in this mesh to the vector.
mesh | The mesh from which the textures are being determined. |
texture_list | The list to which to attach the pointer to. |
void IrrDriver::initDevice | ( | ) |
This creates the actualy OpenGL device.
This is called
bool IrrDriver::moveWindow | ( | int | x, |
int | y | ||
) |
Moves the STK main window to coordinates (x,y)
void IrrDriver::printRenderStats | ( | ) |
Prints statistics about rendering, e.g.
number of drawn and culled triangles etc. Note that printing this information will also slow down STK.
void IrrDriver::removeCameraSceneNode | ( | scene::ICameraSceneNode * | camera | ) |
Removes a camera.
This can't be done with removeNode() since the camera can be marked as active, meaning a drop will not delete it. While this doesn't really cause a memory leak (the camera is removed the next time a camera is added), it's a bit cleaner and easier to check for memory leaks, since the scene root should now always be empty.
void IrrDriver::removeMeshFromCache | ( | scene::IMesh * | mesh | ) |
Removes a mesh from the mesh cache, freeing the memory.
mesh | The mesh to remove. |
void IrrDriver::removeNode | ( | scene::ISceneNode * | node | ) |
Removes a scene node from the scene.
node | The scene node to remove. |
void IrrDriver::removeTexture | ( | video::ITexture * | t | ) |
Removes a texture from irrlicht's texture cache.
t | The texture to remove. |
void IrrDriver::setAllMaterialFlags | ( | scene::IMesh * | mesh | ) | const |
Sets the material flags in this mesh depending on the settings in material_manager.
mesh | The mesh to change the settings in. |
void IrrDriver::setAmbientLight | ( | const video::SColorf & | light, |
bool | force_SH_computation = true |
) |
Sets the ambient light.
light | The colour of the light to set. |
force_SH_computation | If false, do not recompute spherical harmonics coefficient when spherical harmonics textures have been defined |
void IrrDriver::update | ( | float | dt, |
bool | is_loading = false |
) |
Update, called once per frame.
dt | Time since last update |
is_loading | True if the rendering is called during loading of world, in which case world, physics etc must not be accessed/ |
void IrrDriver::updateConfigIfRelevant | ( | ) |
If the position of the window should be remembered, store it in the config file.
private |
Background colour to reset a buffer.
Can be changed by each track.
enum { ... } IrrDriver::m_resolution_changing |
Flag to indicate if a resolution change is pending (which will be acted upon in the next update).
None means no change, yes means change to new resolution and trigger confirmation dialog. Yes_warn means that the new resolution is unsupported and that the confirmation dialog needs an additional warning message. Same indicates a change of the resolution (back to the original one), but no confirmation dialog.