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Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NcomputeGPRanksDataThis class is only used in computeGPRanks, but the C++ standard forbids the usage of local data type in templates, so we have to declare it outside of the function
 NGUIEngineContains all GUI engine related classes and functions
 NPrivateIn an attempt to make getters as fast as possible, by possibly still allowing inlining These fields should never be accessed outside of the GUI engine
 CAbstractStateManagerAbstract base class you must override from to use the GUI engine
 CAbstractTopLevelContainerRepresents a GUI widgets container
 CBoxRenderParamsClass containing render params for the 'drawBoxFromStretchableTexture' function see Overview of GUI skin for more information about skinning in STK
 CBubbleWidgetA text widget that can expand when focused
 CButtonWidgetA text button widget
 CCheckBoxWidgetA checkbox widget
 CDynamicRibbonHoverListenerEven if you have a ribbon that only acts on click/enter, you may wish to know which item is currently highlighted
 CDynamicRibbonWidgetAn extended version of RibbonWidget, with more capabilities
 CEventHandlerClass to handle irrLicht events (GUI and input as well)
 CIconButtonWidgetA button widget with an icon and optionnaly a label beneath
 CItemDescriptionThe description of an item added to a DynamicRibbonWidget
 CKartStatsWidgetA progress bar widget
 CLabelWidgetA simple label widget
 CListWidgetA vertical list widget with text entries
 CModalDialogAbstract base class representing a modal dialog
 CModelViewWidgetA model view widget
 CPlayerKartWidgetA widget representing the kart selection for a player (i.e
 CPlayerNameSpinnerA small extension to the spinner widget to add features like player ID management or badging
 CProgressBarWidgetA progress bar widget
 CRatingBarWidgetA rating bar widget
 CRibbonWidgetA static text/icons/tabs bar widget
 CScreenRepresents a single GUI screen
 CScreenKeyboardClass representing a screen keyboard
 CScreenSingletonDeclares a class to be a singleton
 CSkillLevelWidgetA skill level widget
 CSkinObject used to render the GUI widgets see Overview of GUI skin for more information about skinning in STK
 CSkinWidgetContainerIn order to avoid calculating render information every frame, it's stored in a SkinWidgetContainer for each widget (or each widget part if it requires many)
 CSpinnerWidgetA spinner or gauge widget (to select numbers / percentages)
 CTextBoxWidgetA text field widget
 CWidgetThe nearly-abstract base of all widgets (not fully abstract since a bare Widget can be created for the sole goal of containing children widgets in a group)
 NSkinConfigSmall utility to read config file info from a XML file
 NUserConfigParamsContains all parameters that are stored in the user's config file
 NVSVisual studio workarounds in one place Note that Visual Studio 2013 does have the maths functions defined, so we define the work arounds only for compiler versions before 18.00