► achievements | |
achievement.hpp | |
achievement_info.hpp | |
achievements_manager.hpp | |
achievements_status.hpp | |
web_achievements_status.hpp | |
► addons | |
addon.hpp | |
addons_manager.hpp | |
news_manager.hpp | |
zip.hpp | |
► animations | |
animation_base.hpp | |
ipo.hpp | |
three_d_animation.hpp | |
► audio | |
dummy_sfx.hpp | |
music.hpp | |
music_dummy.hpp | |
music_information.hpp | |
music_manager.hpp | |
music_ogg.hpp | |
sfx_base.hpp | |
sfx_buffer.hpp | |
sfx_manager.hpp | |
sfx_openal.hpp | |
► challenges | |
challenge_data.hpp | |
challenge_status.hpp | |
story_mode_status.hpp | |
story_mode_timer.hpp | |
unlock_manager.hpp | |
► config | |
hardware_stats.hpp | |
player_manager.hpp | |
player_profile.hpp | |
saved_grand_prix.hpp | |
stk_config.hpp | |
user_config.hpp | |
► font | |
bold_face.hpp | |
digit_face.hpp | |
face_ttf.hpp | |
font_drawer.hpp | |
font_manager.hpp | |
font_settings.hpp | |
font_with_face.hpp | |
regular_face.hpp | |
► graphics | |
► sp | |
sp_base.hpp | |
sp_dynamic_draw_call.hpp | |
sp_instanced_data.hpp | |
sp_mesh.hpp | |
sp_mesh_buffer.hpp | |
sp_mesh_node.hpp | |
sp_per_object_uniform.hpp | |
sp_shader.hpp | |
sp_shader_manager.hpp | |
sp_texture.hpp | |
sp_texture_manager.hpp | |
sp_uniform_assigner.hpp | |
2dutils.hpp | |
abstract_renderer.hpp | |
b3d_mesh_loader.hpp | |
camera.hpp | |
camera_debug.hpp | |
camera_end.hpp | |
camera_fps.hpp | |
camera_normal.hpp | |
CBatchingMesh.hpp | |
central_settings.hpp | |
cpu_particle_manager.hpp | |
draw_calls.hpp | |
explosion.hpp | |
fixed_pipeline_renderer.hpp | |
frame_buffer.hpp | |
frame_buffer_layer.hpp | |
gl_headers.hpp | |
glwrap.hpp | |
graphics_restrictions.hpp | |
hit_effect.hpp | |
hit_sfx.hpp | |
irr_driver.hpp | |
light.hpp | |
lighting_passes.hpp | |
lod_node.hpp | |
material.hpp | |
material_manager.hpp | |
mesh_tools.hpp | |
mlaa_areamap.hpp | |
moving_texture.hpp | |
particle_emitter.hpp | |
particle_kind.hpp | |
particle_kind_manager.hpp | |
per_camera_node.hpp | |
post_processing.hpp | |
referee.hpp | |
render_target.hpp | |
rtts.hpp | |
server_dummy_texture.hpp | |
shader.hpp | |
shader_based_renderer.hpp | |
shader_files_manager.hpp | |
shaders.hpp | |
shadow.hpp | |
shadow_matrices.hpp | |
shared_gpu_objects.hpp | |
show_curve.hpp | |
skid_marks.hpp | |
skybox.hpp | |
slip_stream.hpp | |
sp_mesh_loader.hpp | |
spherical_harmonics.hpp | |
stars.hpp | |
stk_particle.hpp | |
stk_tex_manager.hpp | |
stk_text_billboard.hpp | |
sun.hpp | |
text_billboard_drawer.hpp | |
texture_shader.hpp | |
weather.hpp | |
wind.hpp | |
► guiengine | |
► widgets | |
bubble_widget.hpp | |
button_widget.hpp | |
CGUIEditBox.hpp | |
CGUISTKListBox.hpp | |
check_box_widget.hpp | |
dynamic_ribbon_widget.hpp | |
icon_button_widget.hpp | |
kart_stats_widget.hpp | |
label_widget.hpp | |
list_widget.hpp | |
model_view_widget.hpp | |
player_kart_widget.hpp | |
player_name_spinner.hpp | |
progress_bar_widget.hpp | |
rating_bar_widget.hpp | |
ribbon_widget.hpp | |
skill_level_widget.hpp | |
spinner_widget.hpp | |
text_box_widget.hpp | |
abstract_state_manager.hpp | |
abstract_top_level_container.hpp | |
CGUISpriteBank.hpp | |
dialog_queue.hpp | |
emoji_keyboard.hpp | |
engine.hpp | |
event_handler.hpp | |
layout_manager.hpp | |
message_queue.hpp | |
modaldialog.hpp | |
scalable_font.hpp | |
screen.hpp | |
screen_keyboard.hpp | |
skin.hpp | |
widget.hpp | |
widgets.hpp | |
► input | |
binding.hpp | |
device_config.hpp | |
device_manager.hpp | |
gamepad_config.hpp | |
gamepad_device.hpp | |
input.hpp | |
input_device.hpp | |
input_manager.hpp | |
keyboard_config.hpp | |
keyboard_device.hpp | |
multitouch_device.hpp | |
sdl_controller.hpp | |
wiimote.hpp | |
wiimote_manager.hpp | |
► io | |
assets_android.hpp | |
file_manager.hpp | |
rich_presence.hpp | |
utf_writer.hpp | |
xml_node.hpp | |
► items | |
attachment.hpp | |
attachment_manager.hpp | |
attachment_plugin.hpp | |
bowling.hpp | |
cake.hpp | |
flyable.hpp | |
item.hpp | |
item_event_info.hpp | |
item_manager.hpp | |
network_item_manager.hpp | |
plunger.hpp | |
powerup.hpp | |
powerup_manager.hpp | |
projectile_manager.hpp | |
rubber_ball.hpp | |
rubber_band.hpp | |
swatter.hpp | |
► karts | |
► controller | |
ai_base_controller.hpp | |
ai_base_lap_controller.hpp | |
ai_properties.hpp | |
arena_ai.hpp | |
battle_ai.hpp | |
controller.hpp | |
end_controller.hpp | |
ghost_controller.hpp | |
kart_control.hpp | |
local_player_controller.hpp | |
network_ai_controller.hpp | |
network_player_controller.hpp | |
player_controller.hpp | |
skidding_ai.hpp | |
soccer_ai.hpp | |
spare_tire_ai.hpp | |
test_ai.hpp | |
abstract_characteristic.hpp | |
abstract_kart.hpp | |
abstract_kart_animation.hpp | |
cached_characteristic.hpp | |
cannon_animation.hpp | |
combined_characteristic.hpp | |
explosion_animation.hpp | |
ghost_kart.hpp | |
kart.hpp | |
kart_gfx.hpp | |
kart_model.hpp | |
kart_properties.hpp | |
kart_properties_manager.hpp | |
kart_rewinder.hpp | |
kart_with_stats.hpp | |
max_speed.hpp | |
moveable.hpp | |
official_karts.hpp | |
rescue_animation.hpp | |
skidding.hpp | |
xml_characteristic.hpp | |
► modes | |
capture_the_flag.hpp | |
ctf_flag.hpp | |
cutscene_world.hpp | |
demo_world.hpp | |
easter_egg_hunt.hpp | |
follow_the_leader.hpp | |
free_for_all.hpp | |
lap_trial.hpp | |
linear_world.hpp | |
overworld.hpp | |
profile_world.hpp | |
soccer_world.hpp | |
standard_race.hpp | |
three_strikes_battle.hpp | |
tutorial_world.hpp | |
world.hpp | |
world_status.hpp | |
world_with_rank.hpp | |
► network | |
► protocols | |
client_lobby.hpp | |
connect_to_peer.hpp | |
connect_to_server.hpp | |
game_events_protocol.hpp | |
game_protocol.hpp | |
lobby_protocol.hpp | |
server_lobby.hpp | |
child_loop.hpp | |
compress_network_body.hpp | |
crypto.hpp | |
crypto_mbedtls.hpp | |
crypto_openssl.hpp | |
dummy_rewinder.hpp | |
event.hpp | Contains an interface to store network events, like connections, disconnections and messages |
event_rewinder.hpp | |
game_setup.hpp | |
kart_data.hpp | |
network.hpp | Defines an interface to use network low-level functions easily |
network_config.hpp | Defines network configuration for server and client |
network_console.hpp | |
network_player_profile.hpp | |
network_string.hpp | Defines functions to easily manipulate 8-bit network destinated strings |
network_timer_synchronizer.hpp | |
peer_vote.hpp | |
protocol.hpp | Generic protocols declarations |
protocol_manager.hpp | Contains structures and enumerations related to protocol management |
race_event_manager.hpp | |
remote_kart_info.hpp | |
rewind_info.hpp | |
rewind_manager.hpp | |
rewind_queue.hpp | |
rewinder.hpp | |
server.hpp | |
server_config.hpp | |
servers_manager.hpp | |
smooth_network_body.hpp | This class help to smooth the graphicial transformation of network controlled object. In case there is any difference between server and client predicted values, instead of showing the server one immediately, it will interpolate between them with an extrapolated value from the old predicted values stored in m_adjust_control_point estimated by current speed of object |
socket_address.hpp | |
stk_host.hpp | Defines an interface to use network low-level functions easily |
stk_ipv6.hpp | |
stk_peer.hpp | Defines functions to easily manipulate 8-bit network destinated strings |
stun_detection.hpp | |
► online | |
http_request.hpp | |
link_helper.hpp | |
online_player_profile.hpp | |
online_profile.hpp | |
profile_manager.hpp | |
request.hpp | |
request_manager.hpp | |
xml_request.hpp | |
► physics | |
btKart.hpp | |
btKartRaycast.hpp | |
irr_debug_drawer.hpp | |
kart_motion_state.hpp | |
physical_object.hpp | |
physics.hpp | |
stk_dynamics_world.hpp | |
triangle_mesh.hpp | |
user_pointer.hpp | |
► race | |
grand_prix_data.hpp | |
grand_prix_manager.hpp | |
highscore_manager.hpp | |
highscores.hpp | |
history.hpp | |
race_manager.hpp | |
► replay | |
replay_base.hpp | |
replay_play.hpp | |
replay_recorder.hpp | |
► scriptengine | |
aswrappedcall.hpp | |
property_animator.hpp | |
script_audio.hpp | |
script_challenges.hpp | |
script_engine.hpp | |
script_gui.hpp | |
script_kart.hpp | |
script_physics.hpp | |
script_track.hpp | |
script_utils.hpp | |
scriptarray.hpp | |
scriptstdstring.hpp | |
scriptvec3.hpp | |
► states_screens | |
► dialogs | |
achievement_progress_dialog.hpp | |
add_device_dialog.hpp | |
addons_loading.hpp | |
addons_pack.hpp | |
change_password_dialog.hpp | |
confirm_resolution_dialog.hpp | |
custom_camera_settings.hpp | |
custom_video_settings.hpp | |
debug_slider.hpp | |
download_assets.hpp | |
enter_address_dialog.hpp | |
general_text_field_dialog.hpp | |
ghost_replay_info_dialog.hpp | |
high_score_info_dialog.hpp | |
init_android_dialog.hpp | |
kart_color_slider_dialog.hpp | |
message_dialog.hpp | |
multitouch_settings_dialog.hpp | |
network_player_dialog.hpp | |
player_rankings_dialog.hpp | |
press_a_key_dialog.hpp | |
race_paused_dialog.hpp | |
ranking_callback.hpp | |
recovery_dialog.hpp | |
registration_dialog.hpp | |
select_challenge.hpp | |
server_configuration_dialog.hpp | |
server_info_dialog.hpp | |
splitscreen_player_dialog.hpp | |
tutorial_message_dialog.hpp | |
user_info_dialog.hpp | |
vote_dialog.hpp | |
► online | |
create_server_screen.hpp | |
network_kart_selection.hpp | |
networking_lobby.hpp | |
online_lan.hpp | |
online_profile_achievements.hpp | |
online_profile_base.hpp | |
online_profile_friends.hpp | |
online_profile_servers.hpp | |
online_profile_settings.hpp | |
online_screen.hpp | |
online_user_search.hpp | |
register_screen.hpp | |
server_selection.hpp | |
tracks_screen.hpp | |
► options | |
options_screen_audio.hpp | |
options_screen_device.hpp | |
options_screen_general.hpp | |
options_screen_input.hpp | |
options_screen_language.hpp | |
options_screen_ui.hpp | |
options_screen_video.hpp | |
user_screen.hpp | |
addons_screen.hpp | |
arenas_screen.hpp | |
credits.hpp | |
cutscene_general.hpp | |
cutscene_gui.hpp | |
easter_egg_screen.hpp | |
edit_gp_screen.hpp | |
edit_track_screen.hpp | |
feature_unlocked.hpp | |
ghost_replay_selection.hpp | |
gp_info_screen.hpp | |
grand_prix_cutscene.hpp | |
grand_prix_editor_screen.hpp | |
grand_prix_lose.hpp | |
grand_prix_win.hpp | |
help_screen_1.hpp | |
help_screen_2.hpp | |
help_screen_3.hpp | |
help_screen_4.hpp | |
help_screen_5.hpp | |
help_screen_6.hpp | |
help_screen_7.hpp | |
high_score_selection.hpp | |
kart_selection.hpp | |
main_menu_screen.hpp | |
offline_kart_selection.hpp | |
race_gui.hpp | |
race_gui_base.hpp | |
race_gui_multitouch.hpp | |
race_gui_overworld.hpp | |
race_result_gui.hpp | |
race_setup_screen.hpp | |
soccer_setup_screen.hpp | |
state_manager.hpp | |
track_info_screen.hpp | |
tracks_and_gp_screen.hpp | |
► tips | |
tips_manager.hpp | |
► tracks | |
arena_graph.hpp | |
arena_node.hpp | |
arena_node_3d.hpp | |
bezier_curve.hpp | |
bounding_box_3d.hpp | |
check_cannon.hpp | |
check_cylinder.hpp | |
check_goal.hpp | |
check_lap.hpp | |
check_line.hpp | |
check_manager.hpp | |
check_sphere.hpp | |
check_structure.hpp | |
check_trigger.hpp | |
drive_graph.hpp | |
drive_node.hpp | |
drive_node_2d.hpp | |
drive_node_3d.hpp | |
graph.hpp | |
model_definition_loader.hpp | |
quad.hpp | |
terrain_info.hpp | |
track.hpp | |
track_manager.hpp | |
track_object.hpp | |
track_object_manager.hpp | |
track_object_presentation.hpp | |
track_sector.hpp | |
► utils | |
aligned_array.hpp | |
can_be_deleted.hpp | |
command_line.hpp | |
constants.hpp | |
cpp2011.hpp | |
crash_reporting.hpp | |
debug.hpp | |
download_assets_size.hpp | |
extract_mobile_assets.hpp | |
file_utils.hpp | |
helpers.hpp | |
interpolation_array.hpp | |
leak_check.hpp | |
log.hpp | |
mem_utils.hpp | |
no_copy.hpp | |
profiler.hpp | |
progress_bar_android.hpp | |
ptr_vector.hpp | |
random_generator.hpp | |
singleton.hpp | |
stk_process.hpp | |
string_utils.hpp | |
synchronised.hpp | |
time.hpp | |
tls.hpp | |
translation.hpp | |
types.hpp | Declares the general types that are used by the network |
vec3.hpp | |
vs.hpp | |
main_loop.hpp | |